Release Notes

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Golaem 6.3.5 (2018/10/04)


  • Operator round, ceil and floor in the ChOp Operation Node

Bug fixes

  • Fixed VP2 Simulation Cache Proxy selection in Maya 2018
  • Fixed Render Checker when using Golaem Attributes
  • Fixed wrong motion blur when layout is enabled
  • Fixed Apex Behavior when using multiple Physics Locators
  • Fixed ground adaptation in the Traffic Locator


  • Styled flat icons in the Golaem Editors
  • Exported Golaem Attributes are now exposed in the Crowd Manager Node
  • Removed Ass export from the Simulation Baker (use Arnold ass export instead)
  • Renamed Int output mode to Round output mode in the CrowdRamp


  • Added a wrapper to the Simulation Cache Library to make it independant from Maya
  • Separated Simulation Cache Library in two Python modules (glm.ui.simCacheLibWindowand and glm.simCacheLib)

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 3.0, 2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.5-7
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.64-71
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6, 22.1

Also supported (but must be manually installed):

  • Mtoa 3.1
  • Renderman Studio 22.1
  • Redshift 2.6.14-20

Golaem 6.3.4 (2018/09/11)


  • GLMCROWD_FULL_LICENSE environment variable can be added to force Full License fetching
  • Added collision check for Component Mode based Population Tool
  • Added self collision check for Component Mode based Population Tool
  • Added Destination Terrain information in the Simulation Cache Library Items
  • Added support of multiple attributes edition in the Shader Attribute Layer
  • Improved evaluation of the Physicalize Behavior in Kinematic, Local and World Servo modes
  • Added an optional paintedZoneName parameter to the painted*** channels
  • Improved ground adaptation and pinning on deformed grounds
  • Integer cast operator in the Ramp Node

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a crash with pinned grounds
  • Fixed a crash when unhiding a Component Mode based Population Tool
  • Fixed a crash when exporting the Simulation and the Manager start frame is lower than the scene start frame
  • Fixed a crash when using the Simulation Percent attribute of the Manager
  • Fixed a crash when using Emitters and Cloth in Cache Replay Mode
  • Fixed a crash when the Cloth Apex file is not found in the Character File
  • Fixed asset percent assignment in the Character Maker geometry tab
  • Fixed Traffic Locator not compatible with multiple CrowdFields
  • Fixed reproducibility when using the Navigation Behavior
  • Fixed Ground Adaptation when using the Layout Tool
  • Fixed Physics Locator shared between simulations
  • Fixed Blind Data mapping in the Locomotion Behavior
  • Fixed rendering of cloth meshes being sometimes instanced
  • Fixed nCloth simulation when the base mesh has transform values


  • updated to version 1.1

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 3.0, 2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.5-7
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.64-71
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed):

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • Redshift 2.6.14-20

Golaem 6.3.3 (2018/08/07)


  • Golaem Attributes can now be exported in Simulation Caches and used as Shader Attributes
  • Added Ground Cell and a Perching Cell options in the Visual Feedback Tool
  • Improved one frame lag in the Expression Trigger
  • New deformable attribute on the PolygonZone Trigger
  • New Ground Is Deformable attribute in the Terrain Locator (beta)
  • New Allow Collision At Start in the GoTo Behavior
  • Floor and ceil operator in the Ramp Node

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed motion blur when an Entity is killed in the Layout Tool
  • Fixed a crash when using PerchOn and Pinning Behaviors
  • Fixed a crash when using a non existing PPAttribute in the Channel Operator Behavior
  • Fixed duplicating several times a wide range of Entities with the Layout Tool
  • Fixed target randomization when the NavMesh is dynamic in the GoTo Behavior
  • Fixed Boid Max Speed not properly taken into account in the Flock Behavior
  • Fixed perching used with high speed boids in the PerchOn Behavior
  • Fixed Social Force Avoidance in the Navigation Behavior
  • Fixed ground adaptation with deformed meshes
  • Fixed Footprint count in the Motion Clip Node
  • Fixed crowd units in the Golaem For Max plugin


  • Population Tool and Paint Tool are now available with a Layout License

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 3.0, 2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.5-7
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.64-71
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed):

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93

Golaem 6.3.2 (2018/07/16)

New Features

  • Support of XGen groom on static meshes with Arnold
  • Support of XGen groom on static meshes with V-Ray
  • New Populate On Curve mode in the Population Tool
  • New Follow Curve mode in the GoTo Behavior


  • Golaem up axis is now dynamic for Group Entities as well
  • Support of NavMesh switch in the SetTerrain Behavior
  • Added footprints display in The Motion Clip Preview Tool
  • The Motion Clip node and the Motion Clip Preview Tool display the same values as the Character Maker
  • MEL Expression now supports Golaem Attribute inner expression (##expression##)
  • New path following attributes in the GoTo Behavior
  • Improved performances of the Navigation Behavior

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed path planning in the GoTo Behavior
  • Fixed path following in large environments in the GoTo Behavior
  • Fixed stopping interpolation in the Physicalize Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when selecting cached Entities in Maya 2018 VP2.0
  • Fixed a crash when rendering killed / emitted Entities
  • Fixed a crash when perceiving killed entities in the Visual Feedback
  • Fixed ground display in the Visual Feedback
  • Fixed Perception not working correctly with the Kill and Emit Behaviors
  • Fixed Perception and Sensor Locators VP2 display


  • Channel distanceToGoToTarget reports a real distance to target
  • Automatic export of a Simulation Cache Library File when a simulation is exported
  • Motion Clip Edit Parameters are linked to the original parameters by default

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 3.0, 2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.64-71
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed):

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93

Golaem 6.3.1 (2018/06/20)


  • GLMCROWD_CHARAMAKER_AUTOLAYOUT environment variable can be set to to enable / disable auto layout in the Character Maker
  • Added PLE License check in the Crowd Render Settings Checker
  • Support of CryptoMatte in V-Ray
  • Support of string Shader Attributes in V-Ray
  • Added support for Python user callbacks when most Golaem nodes are created
  • Added support for MEL user callbacks when a Crowd Manager Node is created
  • New Footprint counter attribute in the Motion Clip Node
  • New Max Step Spine Ratio attribute in the GroundAdapt Behavior
  • Ground adaptation now works when there are Spine Nodes between the Pelvis and each of the Limb Nodes
  • Correct projection of slots when Orient On Ground Normal is enabled in the Population Tool
  • Terrain Locator can now be parented to animate its transform
  • The number of triangles of a Locomotion database is now displayed in the Visual Feedback

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed slowdown when opening scenes with references
  • Fixed conversion of IK chains with null length bones
  • Fixed Entity selection in Cache Replay Mode in Maya 2018
  • Fixed computation of Cloth when using an AdaptOrientation Behavior
  • Fixed Alembic Export for Character Geometry Files with per control points UVs and Normals
  • Fixed Alembic Export reverted normals for .gcg Character Geometry Files
  • Fixed ground adaptation errors when 3D Terrains
  • Fixed a crash when not setting an expression in the GoTo Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when a Behavior Graph is invalid
  • Fixed Motion Clip draging in the SyncMotion and NavAndLoco Behaviors
  • Fixed Transition node not created with SyncMotion and NavAndLoco Behaviors
  • Fixed External Entity Locator Attribute Editor
  • Fixed Population Tool slot edition not saved in Maya 2018
  • Fixed Golaem Shelf when using a Layout license
  • Fixed custom default shader with Mtoa 2.x and 3.x
  • Fixed animation popping when the Starting Duration is very low in the Locomotion Behavior
  • Fixed ground adaptation when "Create neutral animation" is true in the Locomotion Behavior
  • Fixed ground adaptation footprint position computation
  • Fixed support sequence not correctly saved in the Character Maker
  • Fixed paintedColor Channel


  • Updated warning messages when exporting a Motion File using Squash'n'Stretch
  • Refactored Group Entity Types and SetFormation Behavior Attribute Editor


  • New -boneOrientation in the glmSimulationCacheTool command

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 3.0, 2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.64-71
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed):

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93

Golaem 6.3 (2018/05/07)

Important Notice

From this release, MtoA 2.x/3.x is the default Arnold procedural. If you use MtoA 1.4, you need to perform a manual step after installation

New Features

  • Golaem up axis is now dynamic (related to the terrain geometry normal)
  • New Python API to read and write Simulation Cache Files
  • New SetTerrain Behavior to change the ground geometry of Entities


  • Adding Behaviors in a Behavior Graph does not influence previously generated random numbers anymore
  • Warning message when a sane scene is opened with a PLE License
  • Warning message when a hierarchy mismatch in detected in the Character Maker
  • rgbPP value can be displayed by the Simulation Cache Proxy node
  • Improved geometry / vertex cache support in the Golaem Character Geometry file (.gcg)
  • New isAnimationEnabled Channel
  • New Shelf Icon when running Golaem with a PLE License
  • New "Update Mode" in the Terrain Locator
  • New "Static" Formation Main Way mode in the SetFormation Behavior
  • Improved bone orientation for IK chain with more than 3 bones
  • Improved "Conversion Factor" computation in the Character Maker
  • Improved performances when opening a Character File in the Character Maker
  • Maya meshes inside Golaem do handle non uniform scales now
  • New "Remap by Name" option when importing animation in the Character Maker
  • Arnold 5 nodes are now created in a "golaem" namespace in the Arnold Render Proxy
  • Added support for user callbacks when most Golaem nodes are created

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ground adaptation jittering (due to time warping)
  • Fixed ground adaptation when using the "When Support Phase Changes" mode on hard slopes
  • Fixed computation of null length bones orientation in IK chains with more than 3 bones
  • Fixed conversion of IK chains with null length bones
  • Fixed Conversion Quality Indicator with null length bones
  • Fixed Shader Attribute creation when shared by multiple shaders in the Character Maker
  • Fixed naming of duplicated rendering types in the Character Maker
  • Fixed cloth cache export on meshes with multiple materials
  • Fixed cloth cache rendering when using Time Edition Layers in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed cloth cache rendering when an Entity is selection in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed rotation when using different axis in the Edit Bone Layer of the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed duplicated Entity Ids after baking to Alembic in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed merge of Simulation Layout File in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed a crash when baking meshes with multiple materials as Alembic
  • Fixed a crash when dragging a Population Tool on an empty space
  • Fixed a crash when using Animation Channels on emitted Entities
  • Fixed a crash when rendering incomplete meshes
  • Fixed a crash when using the Population Tool as emitter with 0 slots
  • Fixed a crash when hiding a Motion Locator
  • Fixed a crash when an Entity Type is invalid in the Simulation Cache File in the Katana plugin
  • Fixed lateral clearance computation in Group Entities
  • Fixed desired velocity in Group Entities
  • Fixed the display of the Polygon Population Tool
  • Fixed an error message in the Population Tool Paint Attribute UI
  • Fixed frame index when using Locomotion Channels in the Visual Feedback
  • Fixed blendshape Render Previz issue, when the Character bind pose and rest pose do not match
  • Fixed entity selection disabling rendering of cloth meshes
  • Fixed badly exported simulation cache when an emitter did not emit all of it's entities


  • IK Cache configuration is now on the CharacterMaker Locator instead of the CharacterMaker UI
  • Chosen slot is displayed as Local / Final target in the Visual Feedback when using the Formation Behavior
  • Two Sided display is enabled by default in the Entity Type and Simulation Cache Proxy nodes
  • Increased the default radius of a Flock Locator
  • rgbPP is exported by default by the Simulation Exporter

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 3.0, 2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.34
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed):

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93

Golaem 6.2.4 (2018/03/06)

New Features

  • Support of referencing in Golaem (beta)
  • Create Reference / Update Reference menus


  • GLMCROWD_LAYOUTSAVE_ENABLE environment variable can be set to 0 to disable Layout File automatic saves
  • Support of crypto_asset tag in the Arnold plugin
  • Support of string Shader Attributes in the Arnold plugin
  • Support of zoom and drag in the Locomotion Database Visual Feedback
  • Support of Shading Namespace in Simulation, Cache Replay and rendering
  • Physics properties can be loaded from another Character File in the Character Maker
  • New NavMesh generation mode
  • New Update Mode in the Terrain Locator
  • New low pass filter in the AdaptOrientation Behavior
  • New "Wind Velocity Noise" Attribute in the ApexCloth Behavior
  • New "Save Initial State On Stop" Attribute in the Attribute Behavior
  • New "Orient On Ground Normals" Attribute in the Population Tool
  • Perception Sensors now work in full 3D
  • Raycast meshes can be displayed in the Visual Feedback
  • New precise IK Plane blend hidden option in the EntityType Node
  • Improved export of animation when using the Conversion Factor attributes
  • Improved performances in the Terrain adaptation (raycast)
  • Support of transformGeometry nodes in the Character Geometry Export

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed support of Material ID and VRay Skin Mtl
  • Fixed cloth rendering when the Layout Tool was used
  • Fixed cloth cache export when other meshes have multi materials. Simulation Caches need to be reexported
  • Fixed shared Shader Attributes import in the Character Maker
  • Fixed Flee Mode in the Steer Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when using the Polygon Zone Trigger and Group Entity Types
  • Fixed a crash when the Cache File Directory was empty in the Crowd Render Proxy
  • Fixed Polygon Population Tool display
  • Fixed headAttBank Channel to take the Up vector into account
  • Fixed IK Planes display when in Motion Mode in the Character Maker
  • Fixed automatic mapping not detecting arms and legs in the Character Maker
  • Fixed Visual Feedback opening with the Channel Operator Editor
  • Fixed alias names display in the Channel Operator Editor


  • Target distance has been replaced by Influence Radius in the Steer Behavior
  • Different color is used for additive blended motions in the Visual Feedback
  • Motion Clips now display the real part of animation in the final posture in the Visual Feedback
  • Refactored UI of the advanced export option for Character Geometry File (.gcg) in the Character Maker
  • Simulation Exporter shelf icon exports cache on double clicks

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.34
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed)

  • Mtoa 2.0 & 2.1
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93


GOLAEM 6.2.3 (2018/2/5)


  • Support of Arnold 5 Render Stats
  • Golaem particles are now hidden at render time
  • Currently displayed Character File now appears in the Character Maker Locator Attributes
  • Support of floating point frames in Arnold, V-Ray For Maya, V-Ray For Max, Redshift, Mental Ray and 3Delight
  • Added an advanced export option for Character Geometry File (.gcg) in the Character Maker
  • Support of string Shader Attributes in the Renderman plugin
  • Support of HumanIk Joints in the Character Maker
  • Population Tool can now populate using ground normals
  • Improved Population Tool Paint display and viewport switching
  • Improved Path Follower performances
  • Behavior Triggers are renamed when a Behavior is renamed
  • New Frame Override attribute in the Golaem For Max plugin
  • Added Notes in the Channel Operator Editor
  • Added a landing speed attribute in the PerchOn Behavior
  • Node positions is conserved in the Channel Operator Editor
  • New attributes to orient the Entity in the AdaptGround Behavior
  • New attribute to compensate Pelvis Orientation in the AdaptGround Behavior 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Trajectory Edit Layer reloading in Maya
  • Fixed Trajectory Layer when Maya start frame is not 0
  • Fixed sequencing of Flock Behaviors
  • Fixed transformGeometry Nodes not taken into account in the Character Geometry File (.gcg) export
  • Fixed Stopping Duration not taking into account Body Mask in the Physicalize Behavior
  • Fixed a performance issue in the Golaem Character File (.gcg) importer
  • Fixed a crash when initializing Sensors with more than four Navigation Behaviors
  • Fixed a crash when using a Navigation Behavior without a Perception Locator
  • Fixed a crash when using Golaem Attributes directly in an Expression
  • Fixed a crash when using the Master-Slave Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when using the Kill Behavior and the Visual Feedback
  • Fixed a crash when using the Kill Behavior and an Expression
  • Fixed a crash when rendering more than 10 Character Files
  • Fixed a crash when rewinding a simulation that uses the Automatic Apex Creation feature of the ApexCloth Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when having Layout Operations applied on Characters with Cloth in the Layout Tool
  • Fixed rigid meshes scaling in the Character Geometry File
  • Fixed reflections issues when using displacement in Redshift
  • Fixed Maya double attributes not visible in the Custom Operations of the Swiss Knife Tool
  • Fixed Animation Transition not created when connected through an Anchor Node
  • Fixed display of killed Entities in the Golaem For Max plugin
  • Fixed a display issue of the NavAndLoco Behavior in the Crowd Visual Feedback
  • Fixed sampling when skeleton root height was far different from 1 in the NavAndLoco Behavior
  • Fixed connection wrongly refreshed when slots were left empty in the Channel Operator Editor
  • Fixed auto-layout not correctly resizing the scene for some nodes in the Channel Operator Editor
  • Fixed ground adaptation on Physics Ground
  • Fixed error message about glmRefreshChOpEditor not loaded


  • Motion Orientation Offset has now only the heading orientation in the Character Maker and in the Motion Clip
  • Motion Orientation Ofsset attitude and bank parameters are replaced by a checkbox option in the Character Maker and in the Motion Clip
  • Added an option to display the trajectories in the Visual Feedback of the NavAndLoco Behavior
  • Improved error message when the bone count is different between the Character File and the Character Geometry File
  • Improved error message when the bones in the .apx file do not correspond to the bones in the Character File
  • Improved warning message when Expression is not valid (displays once only)
  • Improved attribute display in the Channel Operator Editor for the Multiplexer Node


  • glmCreateEntityGeometry now takes into account Geometry Behavior and Tag in NAMES_AND_SHADERS mode  in glm_crowd_io.h
  • glmDestroyEntityGeometryMesh now takes an uint8_t crowdField index instead of GlmEntityBoundingBox as last parameter (use bbox->_crowdFieldIndex instead)
  • glmDestroyEntityGeometryMesh is now safe when using instancing in glm_crowd_io.h
  • glmDestroyEntityGeometry is now safe when using instancing in glm_crowd_io.h
  • New -bindPoseType flag in the glmExportCharacterGeometry command

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.34
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed)

  • Mtoa 2.0 & 2.1
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93

GOLAEM 6.2.2 (2017/12/22)

New Features

  • New NavAndLoco Behavior which uses Motion Clips to drive the avoidance of Character (beta)


  • Support of displacement in the Redshift plugin
  • Smart selection in the Layout Tool
  • Relative percentage in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Vector Field Outer Flow not working with Viewport 2.0
  • Fixed Vector Field Clear Surface button with Viewport 2.0
  • Fixed Vector Field Resolution with Viewport 2.0
  • Fixed display issues with cloths in Cache Replay mode
  • Fixed Population Tool slot orientation with Legacy Viewport
  • Fixed automatic creation of Golaem Attributes
  • Fixed ignored Golaem Attributes
  • Fixed altered Maya shadows when creating Golaem nodes
  • Fixed ground adaptation when combined with an animation with fully extended legs
  • Fixed physics parameters not converted when using a custom Golaem Unit
  • Fixed a crash when using Golaem Attributes and the ChOp Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when rendering multple Render Proxies with different Shader Attributes
  • Fixed a crash when adding more Character Files than required in the Render Proxy
  • Fixed a mirror issue when using 3D grounds
  • Fixed a potential crash when rendering different entity types with Renderman or 3Delight


  • Support of Mtoa 2.10 Shading system
  • Warning message when a Simulation Cache is baked using a PLE License
  • Changed position of "Fix Pos/Orient on Blending Frames" parameter in the Character Maker
  • Renamed Golaem Attributes accesses in Expressions / ChOp Behavior from this.kb/ to this.attribute/

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.30
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed)

  • Mtoa 2.0 & 2.1
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93


GOLAEM 6.2.1 (2017/11/24)


  • New global Shader Override attribute in the Maya Crowd Render Proxy
  • New Additional Excluded Entities attribute in the Maya Crowd Render Proxy
  • New global Shader Override attribute in the Katana plugin
  • New Additional Excluded Entities attribute in the Katana plugin
  • Support of shading assignment in the Katana plugin when using Renderman For Katana (from RfK 21.6)
  • The Population Tool can populate in 3D (full orientation) in Component Mode
  • The Simulation Cache Proxy transform is exported in the Katana NodeGraphXML file
  • Character Shader Attributes can now be fed with predefined Channel values
  • Character Shader Attributes can now be connected to the Character Node (and are assigned to all meshes)
  • Improved stopping animation in the Locomotion Behavior

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed wrong aiming in the AimAt Behavior
  • Fixed mirror not working properly in the SyncMotion Behavior
  • Fixed the Locomotion Behavior when used with an AdaptPosition Behavior
  • Fixed position noise computation in the Population Tool
  • Fixed Character conversion when using Geometry Tags in the Golaemizator


  • Full support of MtoA2 / Arnold5 using MtoA translators
  • Default Linux temp variable is now TMPDIR instead of TMP
  • KB Attribute renamed Golaem Attribute in the EntityType Node
  • Alembic Point Cache bake export is not supported when using FBX Character Geometry File
  • Character Shader Attribute of type "file" is replaced with "string"

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.30
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6

Also supported (but must be manually installed)

  • Mtoa 2.0
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93

