Release Notes
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Golaem 8.2.2 (2023/02/09)
New Features
- Float Shader Attributes can now be weighted in the Character Maker
- New Geometry Input ChOp node in the ChOp Editor
- New Memory ChOp node in the ChOp Editor
- New Ramp ChOp node in the ChOp Editor
- New Counter ChOp node in the ChOp Editor
- Rendering Types can now be reordered in the Character Maker
- New Group hasGroup, groupTypeId, groupId, groupIdx Channels
- New Time frameRate, frameTime Channels
- New Entity entityIdx, entityCount Channels
- New Traffic trafficRollAngle Channel
- New Motion motionTime Channel
- Added Safe Distance Attributes in the Population Tool Locator
- Added randomize Motion Id attribute in the Motion Behavior
- Added randomize Motion Id attribute in the SyncMotion Behavior
- Added ramp control to initialize Golaem Attributes
- Added a FIFO attribute in the Accumulator ChOp Node
- Added an Enable attribute in the Accumulator ChOp Node
- FIFO and enable attributes of the Accumulator ChOp Node can be driven by inputs
- Added support for Actor Hidden In Game attribute in the Unreal Sequencer
- Added support of dirmapping through environment variable GLM_DIRMAP in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Added support for multiple sequencer tracks of a single Golaem Cache in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
Bug fixes
- Fixed reproducibility when using Channel Operators
- Fixed result when using a Time Offset Layer after a Layer using a Reference Frame
- Fixed a crash when importing a FBX in Houdini with Golaem loaded
- Fixed a crash when Simulation Cache Proxy is created before the Crowd Manager Node
- Fixed Set Weights to 0 / 50 context menu not working in the Character Maker
- Fixed simulation export when having a \n character in MEL Render Scripts
- Fixed .apx file relocation in the Character Maker
- Fixed Entity Type weights refreshing in the Population Tool Locator
- Fixed the Component Replace in the Population Tool Locator
- Fixed light linking within the Golaem For Arnold plugin
- Fixed Double casting when using a Driven Attribute in the Input Chop Node
- Added support for Houdini 19.5
- Added support for Unreal Engine 5.1
- Added support for Vray 6 For Maya
- Added support for Vray 6 For 3dsMax
- Added support for Redshift 3.5.01-04
- Added support for 3dsMax 2023
- Removed support for Houdini 18.5
- Removed support for Unreal Engine 4.27
- Removed support for Vray Next For Maya
- Removed support for Vray Next For 3dsMax
- Removed support for Redshift 2.6.49
- Added Expression helpers in the Force Behavior
- Refactored Attribute Editor for the Chop Input Node
- Refactored Attribute Editor for the Golaem For Arnold plugin in Houdini
- Changed default Ragdoll spring joint limits stiffness in the Physics Locator
- SetBone Behavior is now deprecated (use ChannelOperator Behavior instead)
- New setAllNodesAttribute and listNodeIds functions in the Layout Python API
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2020, 2022, 2023
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 5.0, 5.1
- SideFx Houdini 19.0.622, 19.5.435
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.2.X, 5.1.X / KtoA 4.1 / Arnold 7.1.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1, 5.2 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 19 and 19.5 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X / Arnold 6.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 6.0X / For 3ds Max 6.0X
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.5.01-04 / For Katana 3.5.01-04
Golaem 8.2.1 (2022/11/28)
Important Notice
From this release, Golaem GDA files must be reexported if they used Channel Operators
New Features
- New "Spherical Occupation (Ratio)" vision mode in the Chop Sensor Input
- New "Maximum Clearance (Vector)" vision mode in the Chop Sensor Input
- New "Minimum Clearance (Vector)" vision mode in the Chop Sensor Input
- New Output Channel Desired Moved Direction
- New Output Channel Body Direction
- New Output Channel Position And Body Direction
- New Output Channel to request left / right Traffic Lane switch or disable it
- New Channels for Traffic Lane switching trafficRoadId, isTrafficSwitchingLane
- New Lane Switch Attributes in the Traffic Locator
- Added support for Golaem Attributes in the Entity Type Scale Attribute
- Added support for Golaem Attributes in the Entity Type Rendering Type Attribute
- Added support for Golaem Attributes in the Adapt Orientation Behavior
- Added support for Entity Ids filter in the Simulation Cache Bake export
- Added voxel display for the External Entity Locator
- Added World Direction to Body Direction mode in the ChOp Converter
- Added Body Direction to World Direction mode in the ChOp Converter
- Added Helper button in the Bone Attributes of the ChOp Output
- Added Helper button in the BlindData Attributes of the ChOp Output
- Improved performances when opening a Character File with a lot of Rendering Types
- Improved traffic lane switching computation
- Improved workflow for the Perception Bounding Box computation in the Character Maker
- Added contextual menu in the Rendering Types panel to expand and select a Node in the Nodal Workspace
- Added contextual menu in the Asset Outline to expand and select a Node in the Nodal Workspace
- Added contextual menu in the Rendering Types panel to Collapse / Expand all Children (also available with Shift + click)
- Added shortcut to set all the weights of an Asset Group to the same value (Shift + click on a slider)
- Added shortcut to set all the weights of an Integer Shader Attribute to the same value (Shift + click on a slider or Shift + Enter in a text box)
- Asset Group weighting is enabled if its Maya transform has a custom attribute glmIsWeighted when imported in the Character Maker
- Default weights for an Asset Group are read from a custom attribute glmWeights when imported in the Character Maker
- Integer Shader Attribute weighting is enabled if its Maya shader has a custom attribute glmIsWeighted when imported in the Character Maker
- Default weights for an Integer Shader Attribute are read from a custom attribute glmWeights when imported in the Character Maker
- The Mesh Alias defined in a Character File are now used when naming meshes in the Golaem For USD plugin
- The Mesh Alias defined in a Character File are now used when naming meshes in the Golaem For Arnold plugin
- The Mesh Alias defined in a Character File are now used when naming meshes in the Golaem For Renderman plugin
- The Mesh Alias defined in a Character File are now used when naming meshes in the Golaem For Guerilla plugin
- Added meshName string attribute in generated mesh in the Golaem For Arnold plugin
- Added support for string casting when using Renderer Attributes in the Golaem For Arnold plugin
- Added automatic coloring system for Terrain Attributes in the Outliner and the viewport
- Added camera margin support when using Frustum culling in a Simulation Cache Proxy
- Delete All Golaem Nodes now remove Golaem shaders as well
- Added import button on Library Tool Items to create multiple Simulation Cache Proxies when having Simulation Caches with multiple CrowdFields
Bug fixes
- Fixed slot collisions in the Population Tool
- Fixed slot scales to avoid collisions with the NavMesh
- Fixed slot positions when using negative distance
- Fixed Golaem Attribute Filter in the Sensor Locator
- Fixed painting Entity Types on a decimated slots Population Tool Locator
- Fixed Integer Shader Attribute weight overrides when having different Rendering Types
- Fixed FBX Bake Export which could lead to NaN data in scales / rotations
- Fixed FBX Bake Export visibility when using Frame Offset or Killed Layers
- Fixed FBX Bake Export when using Skeleton Overrides
- Fixed GPU Render Previz when using Skeleton Overrides
- Fixed Layout Destination Terrain file naming postfix issues
- Fixed Layout Destination Terrain overwriting when saving it from a Simulation Cache Proxy
- Fixed a crash when using Skeleton Overrides on multiple character sources
- Fixed a crash when using a Sensor and the Visual Feedback at the same time
- Fixed a crash when disabling Perception Visibility on an Entity Type
- Fixed a crash when running a Kill Behavior on an Entity with a simulated ApexCloth
- Fixed a crash when grouping Behaviors and deleting them
- Fixed a crash when removing a Rendering Type with weighted Integer Shader Attribute
- Fixed a crash when painting Entity Types in a Population Tool
- Fixed a crash when using scattering slots on a mesh in a Population Tool
- Fixed Entity orientation when switching traffic lane
- Fixed Populate on curve placement when there is no Traffic Locator attached
- Fixed deprecated "varying" flag in the GPU Render Previz vertex shader
- Fixed Child Rendering Type weight override computation in the Character Maker
- Fixed tab order in the Perception BBox attributes of the Character Maker
- Fixed a selection bug when a node is not visible in the Nodal Workspace of the Character Maker
- Fixed Rendering Types panel expanded items not restored when switching to another file and back in the Character Maker
- Fixed Rendering Types panel when disconnecting a weighted Integer Shader Attribute and reconnecting it again in the Character Maker
- Fixed missing separator when querying a Shader Asset Node in the glmCharacterMaker command
- Fixed refresh button icon in the Visual Feedback window
- Fixed Fur import when curves have invalid values
- Added support for Arnold 7.2
- Changed default values in the Golaem Ramp node
- Changed outputs order in the ChOp Output
- Refactored ChOp Output Attribute Editor
- Refactored Character Maker Locator Attribute Editor
- Refactored GolaemCache UI in the Golaem For Houdini plugin
- Added contextual menus to the Simulation Cache Shelf icon
- Perception BBox display has been removed from the Character Maker and added to the Character Maker Locator
- A default Asset Group is created when connecting Mesh Assets to the Character Node in the Character Maker
- Entity Types Attribute Nodes are now renamed based on attribute name
- Removed NavMesh is Deformable attribute from the Terrain Locator
- Uniformized usage of "this.attribute.XXX" in all the Behaviors, Triggers...
- Golaem For Arnold shaders can now be found in the utility/golaem section
- Removed unused flags in the Golaem For Renderman plugin
- Restored Decimate Slope Falloff attribute in the Population Tool
- All Geometry Nodes are now framed by default when opening a Character File in the Character Maker
- Renamed "World Direction to Body Direction" in the ChOp Converter
- Renamed "Body Direction to World Direction" in the ChOp Converter
- Renamed Master / Slave Level in the EntityType Node
- All MEL/Python commands can run with a Lite License in Maya batch
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2020, 2022
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 19.0.622, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.2.X, 5.1.X / KtoA 4.2, 4.1 / Arnold 7.1.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1, 5.2 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18.5 and 19 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.2 (2022/09/08)
Important Notice
From this release, Golaem does not use Cylinders anymore for its population, navigation and perception
Scenes made with previous versions of Golaem will produce different simulation results.
New Features
- Added Perception Bounding Box attribute in the Character File
- Population Tool now uses Perception Bounding Box for the shape of its slots
- Navigation Behavior now uses Perception Bounding Box for its collision detection
- Traffic Behavior now uses Perception Bounding Box for its traffic avoidance
- Emit Behavior now uses Perception Bounding Box for its entity generation
- Sensors now uses Perception Bounding Box for Entities perception
- Added Bounding Box display in Entity Type Node
- Added Bounding Box display in Simulation Cache Proxy Node
- Added support for Maya 2023
- Golaem Switch and HSL shaders are also available in OSL
- Slot distance can be negative in the Population Tool
- Improved GCG export when having invalid UVSets
- Remap ranges of the ChOp Remap node can be driven by inputs
- Multiple "isVisible" Shading Attributes can be used in a Character File
- Trigger graphs containing Behavior Time Triggers can be shared and evaluated properly
- Trigger graphs containing Motion Time Triggers can be shared and evaluated properly
Bug fixes
- Fixed Reference frame computation when using a Rotate and a Frame Offset Layer
- Fixed Entity Types not correctly generated when using Maya emitter based Population Tool
- Fixed parallel evaluation when using Maya emitter based Population Tool
- Fixed Simulation Cache Proxy shape name when created from the Library Tool
- Fixed transforms inside variants that refer to the same Maya hierarchy in the USDSkel baker
- Fixed a potential crash when adding a new entity type or changing the character file and relaunching the simulation
- Fixed a crash when using Maya emitter based Population Tool
- Fixed a crash when a Group EntityType references its Population Tool when exporting a scene as a GDA file
- Fixed missing threshold attribute in the Expression Trigger when exporting a scene as a GDA file
- Fixed shared triggers when exporting a scene as a GDA file
- Added support for Maya 2023
- Added support for 3dsmax 2022
- Removed support for 3dsmax 2018
- Removed support for 3dsmax 2019
- Added support for Arnold 7.1
- Removed support for Arnold 7.0
- Added support for Houdini 19.0.622
- Removed support for Houdini 19.0.531
- Entity Types Nodes are now renamed based on Character File
- Added contextual menu to close tabs in the Character Maker
- Added contextual menu to close tabs in the Behavior Editor
- Removed Cylinder display mode in Entity Type Node
- Removed Cylinder display mode in Simulation Cache Proxy Node
- Removed Entity Type Attributes in the Group Entity Type Node
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2020, 2022
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 19.0.622, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.1.X / KtoA 4.1
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1, 5.2 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18.5 and 19 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.1.4 (2022/07/05)
- IK planes can be edited on multiple selected nodes in the Character Maker
- Added support for sparsed texture UDIMs in GPU Render Previz Display mode
- Added Bindpose clean tool in the Character Maker Locator
- Added Auto Mirror tool in the Locomotion Behavior
- Added skeleton display mode in the Golaem For USD Procedural plugin
- Added Crowd Ramps helper in the Expressions Helper Window
- Added support for 'gid' keyword in the Attribute Filter of the Sensor Locator
- Improved performances when computing Shader Attributes at render time
- Improved gcg export when some vertices do not have UVs
- Improved gcg export feedback log window to separate critical errors from warning messages
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash when rendering multiple caches with the same names in Golaem For Arnold
- Fixed Layout Tool using PLE Mode within Unreal Engine 5.0
- Fixed Golaem Crowd Unit not handled correctly in Golaem For Unreal
- Fixed error when loading a Golaem Cache using the Cache Library in Golaem For Unreal
- Fixed initialization of emitted entities in Golaem Engine
- Fixed warning message when using the Search tool of the Helper Window
- Fixed USDSkel Export when having invalid letters in mesh names
- Fixed USD Export options presets load and save
- Changed default sample curve value in the Traffic Locator
- Frame is not changed anymore when using the Simulation Baker
- User attributes are now prefixed with prefix primvars in the USDSkel baker
- Shading Namespace and Character Files attributes are now locked in the Manager Node
- Tracy Profiler is disabled for this release
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 19.0.531, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.0.X / KtoA 4.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1, 5.2 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18.5 and 19 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.1.3 (2022/05/09)
New Features
- Perception Shape can now be defined in the Character File
- Goto and Navigation Behaviors now use the Character Perception Shape (voxel based)
- New Bool Operation node in the ChOp Editor
- Added support of Unreal Engine 5.0
- Added support for UDIMs in GPU Render Previz Display mode
- Added support for Shader Attributes in the USDSkel bake
- Added support for mesh variation variants in the USDSkel bake
- Added threshold attribute in the Expression Trigger
- Added support for Ctrl + G shortcut to group Layers in the Layout Editor
- Added support for Ctrl + double click shortcut to move up groups in the Layout Editor
- Added support for V shortcut to Set As Root a Trigger in the Trigger Editor
- Frame attribute of the ChOp Accu node can be driven by the second input
- Threshold value for the bool operators of the Operation node can be driven by the third input
- Improved performances for the "Create parameters" button in the BlindData Layer node
- Improved display of Crossing Locators when set to Junction
- Improved Channel Helper window when using Golaem Attributes
- Remove Tip contextual menu can now be applied on the selected Effector nodes in the Character Maker
- Remap Ext / Remap Aux contextual menu can now be applied on the selected Effector nodes in the Character Maker
- IK Planes toggle can now be applied on the selected Effector nodes if holding Shift in the Character Maker
Bug fixes
- Fixed reopening of the Golaemisator
- Fixed display of fur on killed Entities
- Fixed killed Entities when using the Alembic or FBX bakers
- Fixed Layout Tool opening in the Golaem For Katana plugin
- Fixed Layout Tool opening in the Golaem For Houdini plugin
- Fixed GCG export with blendshapes having multiple materials
- Fixed GCG export with blendshapes having complex rig deformers
- Fixed External Entities perception when using a different Crowd Unit
- Fixed disabled input slots in the Chop Editor when reopening a scene
- Fixed mesh target Relative Closest assign mode in the Goto Behavior
- Fixed mesh target Relative Closest assign mode in the Steer Behavior
- Fixed warning messages when connecting curves to a Traffic Locator
- Fixed Population Tool slot orientation when populating on Traffic Locator curves
- Fixed a crash when using a wrong / empty Expression in the Goto Behavior
- Fixed a crash when using a wrong / empty Expression in the Steer Behavior
- Fixed a crash when using a wrong / empty Expression in the TrafficGoto Behavior
- Fixed a crash at simulation rewind when using Sensor filter operators
- Fixed a crash when exiting Maya in some specific cases
- Fixed Cylinders display when using the XRay viewport mode
- Fixed Physics Shapes display when using the XRay viewport mode
- Fixed Mesh Render Previz display not taking the Layout into account if not saved
- Fixed the "Pick From Selected Entity" button in the SetMeshAsset Layer of the Layout Tool
- Fixed PPAttributes values when emitting entities from multiple Population Tools simultaneously
- Fixed attributeValueType value when using the queryProperties flag on the glmCharacterMaker command
- Fixed memory leak in the Tracy profiler
- Removed support for Unreal Engine 4.26
- Modified the NCloth Behavior icon
- Added tooltips on icons in the Layout Editor
- Added tooltips on icons in the ChOp Editor
- Simulation Cache Proxies are now added to a glmCaches group
- Default Terrain Locator is created when using a Navigation Behavior
- Refactored Goto Behavior Attribute Editor
- Refactored Steer Behavior Attribute Editor
- Renamed Reference Position to Relative Position in Goto and Steer Behavior
- Removed the Enable attribute of the Cache Proxy Manager Node
- Removed Attribute Behavior from the Behavior Editor (use Chop Behavior instead)
- Removed PPAttribute Trigger from the Behavior Editor (use Expression Trigger instead)
- New addSkeletonOverride flag in the glmCharacterMaker command
- New addBlindDataOverride flag in the glmCharacterMaker command
- Added SkeletionOverride in the addGeoNode flag of the glmCharacterMaker command
- Added BlindDataOverride in the addGeoNode flag of the glmCharacterMaker command
- Added PhysicsOverride in the addGeoNode flag of the glmCharacterMaker command
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 19.0.531, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.0.X / KtoA 4.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1, 5.2 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18.5 and 19 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.1.2 (2022/03/30)
New Features
- New performance profiling using the Tracy library
- New Remap ChOp node in the ChOp Editor
- Added cross product operator in the ChOp Operation Node
- Added dot product operator in the ChOp Operation Node
- Added recursive weight enabling contextual menu in the Character Maker
- Added recursive weight disabling contextual menu in the Character Maker
- Added direction alignment on particles when using the Population Component mode
- Added support for Golaem Attributes for the TargetID Name of the Goto Behavior
- Added support for Golaem Attributes for the TargetID Name of the Steer Behavior
- Added support for Golaem Attributes for the TargetID Name of the TrafficGoto Behavior
- Improved overall performances and memory management
- Improved computation of heavy skeletons in the Character Maker
- Improved Render Checker with Golaem Mode and Render Proxy checks
- Improved Render Checker when Golaem is not in the plugin installation path
- Improved performance when computing shading diversity for GPU Render Previz display mode
- Allowed multiple connections to or from selected nodes in the Behavior Editor
- Allowed multiple connections to or from selected nodes in the Character Maker
- New Environment Channels (closestParticleIdx, closestVertexIdx, closestParticlePosition, closestVertexPosition...)
- New height attribute in the External Entity Locator
- New External Entity Locator filter in the Sensor Locator
Bug fixes
- Fixed the If and Rnd Operators duplication in the Behavior Editor
- Fixed UI update after deleting a node from a Parallel, Random or Loop operator in the Behavior Editor
- Fixed the If Operator losing its triggers when replacing a following node in the Behavior Editor
- Fixed incorrect voxel based perception in the Navigation Behavior
- Fixed texture loading blocking display in GPU Render Previz display mode
- Fixed UVs assignment on curves in the Golaem For Renderman plugin
- Fixed UVs assignment on curves in the Golaem For Guerilla plugin
- Fixed PPAttribute values when using Entity emitters
- Fixed trafficSteerAngle Channel computation
- Fixed initial values when using Golaem Vector Attributes
- Fixed initial values when exporting a scene as a GDA file
- Fixed blendshape names when exporting Character geometry files as a GCG
- Fixed default Crowd Unit when opening scenes and setting the GLMCROWD_UNIT environment variable
- Fixed wrong glmPopulationTool PPAttribute value when emitting from selection of several PopulationTool
- Fixed perception computation with External Entity Locators in Custom Radius mode
- Fixed default perception shape orientation
- Fixed input plug creations in the ChOP Editor
- Fixed a crash when using more than 8 apex clothes on an Entity
- Fixed a crash when rendering in Geolib3-MT mode with multiple Golaem caches in Katana
- Fixed a crash in the Python devkit when not able to create a new thread
- Fixed a crash if the Perception Locator is deleted
- Fixed issues when grouping nodes in the Chop Editor
- Fixed VRScene export when using floating frames
- Fixed If and Block operators unselection color
- Fixed Chop Editor and Layout Tool window priority on Linux
- Fixed Layout File creation in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Fixed the Open Layout File button failing in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Fixed rendering issue when using the Movie Render Queue in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Fixed Golaem Cache node parameters copy between contexts in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Added support for Houdini 19.0 Python3 and Python2
- Added Surface Shader name in the Guerilla tags
- Refactored the UI of the External Entity Locator
- Refactored the UI of the Cylinder display attributes
- Refactored the UI of the Alignment attributes in the Sensor Locator
- Refactored Max Voxel Count in Max Voxel Per Axis in the EntityType node
- Refactored Max Voxel Count in Max Voxel Per Axis in the External Entity Locator
- Refactored Max Voxel Count in Max Voxel Per Axis in the Sensor Locator
- Refactored the Physics Override icon in the Character Maker
- Refactored the Perception Default Scale to 0.25 in the Entity Type node
- External Entities are now created in the glmPopulations group
- Removed support for Houdini 18.0
- Removed support for Mental Ray
- Golaem Python devkit can be initialized monothreaded (default is multithreaded)
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.26, 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 19.0.531, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.0.X / KtoA 4.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1, 5.2 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18.5 and 19 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.1.1 (2022/02/23)
- Mass, Force and Speed attributes of the Flock Behavior are now dynamic when using Golaem Attributes
- Added support for Preview Shader when using the Mesh Render Previz mode
- Added nParticle target support for the Goto Behavior
- Added nParticle target support for the TrafficGoto Behavior
- Added nParticle target support for the Steer Behavior
- New Flock Channels (hasASteerTarget, steerTargetPosition, distanceToSteerTarget...)
Bug fixes
- Fixed python error when clearing a ChOp graph
- Fixed shading assignment when shaders have '.' in names in the Mesh Render Previz mode
- Fixed local path computation when saving a Character File using the glmCharacterMaker command
- Fixed cloth cache rendering when using several Mesh Assets based on the same shape
- Fixed enabledMeshes attribute UI of the FurMeshAsset node in the Character Maker
- Fixed invalid input connections on the ChOpMultiplexer
- Fixed a crash when using an invalid Golaem Attribute Expression in the ChOpInput node
- Fixed a crash when removing behaviors from a container expanded view
- Fixed a crash when using the Duplicate Layer Node in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Fixed a crash when using the SnapTo Layer Node in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Fixed blendshape import issues in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Fixed refresh after changing the Layout File in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- glmCharacterMaker command does not prompt for a gfc file anymore when used in script mode
- New glmExportFurCache command to create or merge gfc Fur files
- New queryProperty flag in the glmCharacterMaker command
- New setProperty flag in the glmCharacterMaker command
- Added GLM_CRASH_REPORT_DIR environment variable for dump report
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.26, 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 18.0.566, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18 and 18.5 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Mental Ray - For Maya 3.14
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.0.X / KtoA 4.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.1 (2022/01/24)
New Features
- New Physics Override Node in the Character Maker to represent different physics morphologies within the same Character File
- Motion behavior weights are dynamic when using Golaem Attributes
- New Golaem HUD in the Maya viewport
- New tool to assign scene character shaders to a geo proxy
- New tool to remove character shaders from the scene
- Entities can now have Perception custom shapes
- Apex Cloth simulation is not limited to 32 colliders anymore
- Improved ChOp Editor usability (autolayout, controls...)
- Improved GCG skin weights export performance
- Hidden meshes can be skipped in the Polygon Zone Trigger
- Added transformation support when exporting a Fur Cache as GFC
- Added transformation support when exporting a Geometry Cache as GCG
- Added attributes aliases in the GDA file format
- USD Bake parameters are now saved in the scene
- NavMesh Creator tool inherits from the Crowd Manager Crowd Unit when opened the first time
- Added fur rendering support in the Guerilla Render rendering plugin
- Added Character Maker helper button in the Motion Locator
Bug fixes
- Fixed GCG blendshape export when target does not exist in the scene
- Fixed GCG animated meshes export with constant keyframe values
- Fixed blendshape offset when using FBX Character Geometry
- Fixed Bounding box computation error message when exporting a Character with a Fur Asset
- Fixed fur assets export in the glmExportCharacterGeometry command
- Fixed error message when a Character File is invalid in a scene
- Fixed UI refresh when reexporting a Fur Cache in the Character Maker
- Fixed mesh append when using relative file paths in the Character Maker
- Fixed Vector Field Layer not working on entities with a zero height pelvis in the Layout Tool
- Fixed Vector Field Layer not refreshing properly in the Layout Tool
- Fixed frames in the GSCB Library File when using the Batch Simulation Exporter command
- Fixed orientations not being taken into account in the External Entity Locator
- Fixed a crash when baking meshes with namespaces as USDSkel
- Fixed a crash when rendering an incomplete Fur Cache
- Fixed a crash when loading the Golaem and the MayaUSD plugins in Maya 2022
- Fixed a crash when using expressions in ChOp Input in the Golaem Engine
- Fixed a crash when rendering several Simulation Caches in Katana
- Fixed Sensor attributes export in the Golaem Engine
- Fixed identifier assignment in the Renderman rendering plugin
- Fixed export of Maya Curves as Fur Cache
- Fixed ground adaptation when using Skeleton Overrides
- Fixed Curve sampling not uniform in the Goto Behavior
- Fixed Curve sampling not uniform in the Flock Behavior
- Fixed avoidance when the NavMesh does not match Ground Terrain in the Navigation Behavior
- Fixed the default size of the Chop Node Library
- Fixed Terrain export in the Golaem For Unreal plugin
- Added support for Renderman 24
- Added support for Arnold 70
- Removed support for Renderman 22
- Removed support for Arnold 60
- Added contextual menu to the Shaders Shelf icon
- Removed External Entity Shelf icon (still available for the Golaem Menu)
- Polygon trigger returns false by default if no active mesh is set
- Character shaders are now added to a glmShaders group
- USD Procedural file export is now available from the Simulation Baker tool
- ARNOLD_PROCEDURAL_PATH environment variable is not used anymore (replaced by standard ARNOLD_PLUGIN_PATH)
- Added warning message when blendshape targets are unreadable when exporting geometry as GCG
- Added USD bake parameters in the Crowd Manager Node
- UVs are now stored in the same channel in the C++ API
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.26, 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 18.0.566, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18 and 18.5 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Mental Ray - For Maya 3.14
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.0.X / KtoA 4.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.0.3 (2021/11/03)
New Features
- External Entities can now be approximated with voxels for perception
- Speed Ratio Attribute of a Motion Behavior is now dynamic
- Improved UI for Layout Files in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
- Improved selection feedback in the Layout Tool when zoomed out
- Improved Mirror Layer processing on different character in the Layout Tool
- Added support for shared triggers in the Golaem Engine plugin
- Added string id per mesh for cryptomatte in the Renderman plugin
- Added shader and entity name in the tags of the Guerilla Render plugin
- Added specific display on non default triggers in the Behavior Editor node graph
- Added entity filter attribute in the Cloth Locator
- Added support for more Nucleus constraints (cloth on cloth, more than 2 components...) in the NCloth Behavior
- Added Namespace export attribute in the FBX Bake tab
- Slots use now the orientation of faces / edges when populated in Component Mode in the Population Tool
- Slots can now be updated from Component selection in the Population Tool
- Character can now be translated on the Y axis with the Translate Layer in the Layout Tool
Bug fixes
- Fixed HSL shading on cloth display in GPU Render Previz display mode
- Fixed HSL shading computation in GPU Render Previz display mode
- Fixed asset repartition inconsistency when adding a Layout File to a Simulation Cache Proxy
- Fixed EntitTypes weights not restored correctly when a Population Tool is hidden in the scene
- Fixed Decimate attributes not updated when distance or operator change in the Population Tool
- Fixed mesh deletion when switching display from Mesh Drive to GPU Render Previz
- Fixed integer shading attributes assignment in the Guerilla Render plugin
- Fixed a crash when no Entity Type is specified in the MasterSlave Behavior
- Fixed a crash when using an invalid Golaem Attribute Expression
- Fixed a crash when using multi threads at rendering time
- Fixed a crash when exiting Maya 2022 within a Golaem scene
- Fixed a crash when opening the Attribute SpreadSheet with an External Entity in the scene
- Fixed socket not closed error when rendering heavy simulations
- Fixed default values for the Bake tab settings of the Simulation Exporter
- Fixed Helper Window when having an empty Entity Type in the scene
- Fixed Golaem Attribute Helper window
- Merged Golaem Attributes and Entity Type Attributes
- Tabs can now be renamed in the Layout Tool
- Added Nvidia Physx For Maya plugin support for Maya 2022
- Added support for Unreal Engine 4.27
- Added support for Houdini 18.5.672
- Added support for Redshift 3.0.46-57
- Removed support for Houdini 18.5.462
- Removed support for Redshift 3.0.36-40
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 (beta)
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.26, 4.27
- SideFx Houdini 18.0.566, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 23.0 / For Katana 23.0
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18 and 18.5 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Mental Ray - For Maya 3.14
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.0.X, 4.1.X / KtoA 3.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 22.4, 22.5 / For Katana 22.4, 22.5
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55
Golaem 8.0.2 (2021/09/13)
Important Notice
From this release, the Layout License has been renamed to Lite License
New Features
- Added new Mesh Render Previz display mode for crowd entities (generates Maya meshes in the viewport)
- Int Shader Attributes are now written as int user data in Renderman
- All crowd units are now supported in the Golaem For 3dsMax plugin
- Duplicating a Rendering Type also duplicates its child Rendering Types in the Character Maker
- Added Render Previz texture memory and size management attributes in the CrowdManager Node
- Added Render Previz texture statistics in the CrowdManager Node
- Added a position offset attribute for the Cylinder Display Mode
- Added support of Golaem Attributes in the Golaem Engine
- Expand Layer now uses a vector3 scale rather than a single float in the Layout Tool
- Added support for NURBS in the EditTrajectory Layer of the Layout Tool
- Added support for Golaem Attributes from the Entity Type Attribute Node
- Added support for custom tab names in the Layout Tool
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash when baking a Simulation Cache as FBX
- Fixed a crash when using the MassSpring Behavior on null-length bones
- Fixed Terrain Mesh export that was producing bad Ground Adaptation in Cache Replay Mode
- Fixed Entity Perception size when using a non default Crowd Unit
- Fixed Entity Type Node Attribute Editor from Maya 2020
- Fixed LookAt Behavior Attribute Editor from Maya 2020
- Fixed Populate on Curve with non default Crowd Unit
- Fixed curve follow looping in the Steer Behavior
- Fixed Entity orientations when using the Populate on Curve for Traffic
- Fixed Simulation Cache Library when trying to add a cache with no open tab
- Fixed Bump Map not working when using motion blur in Renderman For Katana
- Fixed int id identifier in Golaem For Renderman
- Simulation Attributes have been replaced by EntityType Attributes wrappers in the EntityType Node
- Added entityIds flag in the glmCrowdSimulationExporter command
- Added new -lite flag in the glmCheckLicense command (-layout is deprecated)
- Added new usingGolaemLiteLicense function in the Python API (usingGolaemLayoutLicense is deprecated)
- Added new hasLayoutLicenseFeatures function in the Pythin API (hasLayoutLicenseFeatures is deprecated)
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 (beta)
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.25, 4.26
- SideFx Houdini 18.0.566, 18.5.462
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 23.0 / For Katana 23.0
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.36-40 / For Katana 3.0.36-40 / For 3ds Max 3.0.36-40
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18 and 18.5 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Mental Ray - For Maya 3.14
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.0.X, 4.1.X / KtoA 3.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 22.4, 22.5 / For Katana 22.4, 22.5
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55