Release Notes

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Golaem (2016/05/18)

Important Notice

Bone expressions of the SetBone behavior have been unified between Golaem Crowd 5.1 and 5.1.1
Use MEL function golaemCrowd51To511() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 5.1 to 5.1.1

New Features

  • New Apex Cloth Behavior (Windows only) - Beta


  • nCloth Behavior now supports Input Mesh Attract
  • Trajectory Edit Layer now supports Maya deformers
  • Trajectory Edit Layer now supports curve smoothing
  • Trajectory Edit Layer now supports two modes: curve length preservation or frame based position
  • Trajectory Edit Layer can also be combined other transform layers
  • Perceived Obstacles and Perceived Entities attributes in the Navigation Behavior
  • Smooth Position Filters in the SetBone Behavior
  • Effector bones can now be scaled within the SetBone Behavior
  • Flock perching is now a Behavior
  • Particle systems are now linked to their Population Tool Locator
  • Improved "Save" Behaviors (it is now possible to specify what objects will be saved along with the Behaviors)
  • Improved display of Vector Field nodes
  • Improved Outer Flow of Vector Field nodes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when trying to delete a weighted group in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • Fixed a crash when exporting simulation as FBX using the "Export Animations To Separate Files" mode
  • Fixed a crash when ending a Character Controller Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when changing cache directory or cache name in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
  • Fixed a crash when flocking in 2D mode
  • Fixed wrong footprint computation on mirrored animations
  • Fixed scales applied to multiple Entities in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Fixed keyframe addition in the Constraint Behavior
  • Fixed unlinked behaviors issue when saving a Behavior Graph as custom
  • Fixed Simulation Cache Layout Import Posture command
  • Fixed IK offset interpolation in postures
  • Fixed nCloth Render Previz when using an UVPin Behavior
  • Fixed duplicate of a Random Operator
  • Fixed mirror and enable controls of the Motion Clip in the Motion Behavior
  • Fixed grouping of behaviors (connections were removed)
  • Fixed Scene Check Test when a Navigation Behavior is in the scene
  • Fixed Flock perching


  • CharacterMaker Locator Physics Shapes are hidden when not in Skeleton Mode
  • Position, Rotation and Scale expressions have been merged in the SetBone Behavior
  • Behavior Containers are automatically renamed when their EntityType node is renamed
  • New icon for the Geometry Behavior


  • Update of the Simulation Cache Reader sample to generate character geometries

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4b31
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0

Golaem 5.1 (2016/04/27)

New Features

  • Trajectory Edit and Snap To layers in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
  • Grouping of layers in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
  • Support of shadows casting (only Spot Light for now) in the viewport


  • Painted Entity Type is now saved in the Paint Tool texture
  • Support of animated FBX Terrain (transforms) in the Simulation Cache Proxy
  • Speed and Acceleration Per-Particle attributes can now be animated
  • Support of modulo (%) operator in Expressions
  • Simulation FBX Mode exports assets-repartition Entity meshes
  • New Heading / Attitude / Bank Channel
  • UVPin Behavior now uses mesh normals instead of smoothed vertex normals
  • Handle Motion Channels with SyncMotion Behaviors
  • Exported FBX files are now compatible with Maya 2014 and later (from Character Maker or Simulation Exporter)
  • PreEmit / PostEmit Callbacks preserve selection in the Population Tool Locator

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed transform computation applied to V-Ray Render Proxy
  • Fixed frame offset combined with motion blur in V-Ray
  • Fixed a bug which deletes simulation when skipping frames
  • Fixed Motion Locator posture computation
  • Fixed rotation axis in the SetBone Behavior
  • Fixed Expressions computation in the Set Bone Behavior
  • Fixed starting / stopping duration not taken into account in the Locomotion Behavior
  • Fixed Vector attribute generation when using V-Ray Vector Shader Attribute
  • Fixed Vector Field computation when using Random Target in a GoTo Behavior
  • Fixed refresh in the Physics Properties dialog in the Character Maker
  • Fixed Simulation Cache Replay timeline display when simulation starts before frame 1
  • Fixed Render Previz Display Mode using wrong camera with multiple Maya viewports
  • Fixed a crash at simulation initialization when multiple particle systems are connected to a CrowdField
  • Fixed a crash when computing mesh names in glmAssetMeshTools command
  • Fixed a crash when using Golaem Groups
  • Fixed a crash when using several simulations
  • Fixed a crash when creating a loop between triggers in the Trigger Editor
  • Fixed a crash when setting a next behavior in the If Operator
  • Fixed a crash when no UV is present on the mesh used in a Cloth Behavior
  • Fixed trigger node enabled / disabled coloring in the Trigger Editor
  • Fixed a refresh bug when selecting a node in the Node Outliner in the Character Maker
  • Fixed Simulation Cache Layout GUI (buttons, tooltips, refresh...)
  • Fixed "Show In Maya" option in the Character Maker interfering with Maya selection
  • Fixed conflict between the Hypershade and the Population Tool Locator AETemplate in Maya 2016
  • Fixed behavior unlink when using a Parallel, NoOrder or Loop operator
  • Fixed triggers not properly reset when re-entering behaviors or some operators
  • Fixed the Behavior Editor Visual Feedback refresh when unselecting an Entity
  • Fixed a refresh bug when resetting shaders in the Character Maker
  • Fixed CharacterController Behavior when using Flock Behaviors
  • Fixed the frame Rate in the Motion Preview Tool
  • Fixed minimize / maximize in the Behavior Editor
  • Fixed kill option in the Layout command


  • Tool bar can not be removed anymore from the BehaviorEditor
  • Added a button to open the Trigger Editor from the TriContainer
  • Added buttons to open the Trigger Editor for each triggers in the If Operator


  • Merge of glmHistoryExport and glmSimulationCacheCmd into glmHistory Command

Character Pack

  • Improved shaders, now native renderer shaders for all characters

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4b31
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0

Golaem 5.0.4 (2016/03/31)

New Features

  • New Character Controller Behavior to navigate / walk on physicalized Entities


  • Bone edition has been improved with a nicer rotation pivot in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Added support of Child Rendering Types in the Character Maker
  • Improved performances when selecting Entities in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Improved performances with multiple Characters simulations
  • Improved transition frame delay between two sequenced UVPin Behavior
  • Improved dirmap strategy to deal with multiple platforms studios
  • Improved multiple Character assets shuffling in the Character Palette
  • Position / Orientation offset can be only applied on blending frames in the Character Maker

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Entity culling when playblasting a scene with the Viewport 2.0
  • Fixed weight computation when blending motions in a Locomotion Behavior
  • Fixed import of Character Files with Child Rendering Types from Golaem 4
  • Fixed PPAttributes input in Vector Shader Attributes
  • Fixed a crash when loading Character Files from Golaem 4
  • Fixed a crash when having more than 10 characters geometry files in a simulation
  • Fixed a crash with OpenGL in Maya Batch
  • Fixed a crash when initializing a simulation with an hidden Terrain Locator
  • Fixed a crash when playing the time backwards
  • Fixed a crash when building a Crowd Rigid Body convex mesh on a single triangle
  • Fixed a crash due to infinite loops in the Auto Layout process of the Character Maker
  • Fixed a crash due to wrong mesh count in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Fixed a crash when editing Crowdfield names in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
  • Fixed a crash when exporting simulation with killed Entities in Alembic or FBX
  • Fixed a crash when exporting an animation from a Character File with a different amount of bones
  • Fixed a crash when using the Cloth Behavior
  • Fixed reload of history in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Fixed Entity scale sampling when using small scale ratios
  • Fixed Block operator behavior when shared amongst several Entity Types
  • Fixed Apply button in the Physics Properties window of the Character Maker
  • Fixed alpha computation in the Physics Properties window of the Character Maker
  • Fixed blendshape rendering in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Fixed geometry frame not modified by the Time Offset Layer in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Fixed bad selection when duplicating many characters in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Fixed Notes saving in the Trigger Editor
  • Fixed warnings when saving / loading a Custom Behavior Graph
  • Fixed linear Locomotion Model preview in the Visual Feedback
  • Fixed empty .mod file generated at Linux install when using an underscore in install path
  • Fixed save as not updating the Character File name when in the Geometry tab of the Character Maker


  • Use Cached Terrain / Orient Pelvis On Ground are now also in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Replay last found frame for an Entity in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Upgraded internal FBX SDK to 2016.1.2

Character Pack

  • Changed physics properties for CrowdMan (less restitution, more realistic weights)
  • Updated audience motions (frequency changed from 24fps to 30fps, so previous scene may need to be updated if motions are cropped)
  • Removed Motion Mapping for replaying audience/locomotion motions on CrowdMan, CrowdWoman. Automatic Mapping works just fine.

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4b31
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0


Golaem 5.0.3 (2016/03/03)

Important Notice

Physics World Ground adaptation is now defined in the Physicalize Behavior instead of the Terrain Locator. Scenes using this feature will need to be manually updated.

New Features

  • Time Offset and Time Warp layers in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
  • Scale range layer in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
  • Change Rendering Type layer in the Character Palette


  • Trigger nodes can now have multiple outputs
  • "Show in Hypershade" context menu for Shading Group, Shader Asset and Shader Attribute nodes in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • Improved the "I'm Feeling Lucky" tool of the Character Palette to shuffle assets according to the Character File rules
  • Rendering Types view now shows the full node hierarchy in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • New option on the Script Behavior to display or not the executed command
  • Draw Terrain option in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
  • PPAttributes are now read when the behavior starts in the SyncMotion Behavior
  • Switch attribute when different Characters are selected in the Character Palette
  • Save button in the Simulation Cache Layout saves every all Simulation Cache Proxies history
  • Physics World Ground Adaptation is now defined in the GroundAdapt Behavior (instead of the Terrain Locator)
  • Selecting a Shader Attribute in the Character Maker select the relative UserData node in the Shading Graph

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rendering not working when multiple render proxies in the same scene
  • Fixed flickering when stopping a MasterSlave Behavior (multi-thread related)
  • Fixed 3D orientation update in the MasterSlave Behavior
  • Fixed tab selection when dragging a trigger in a Trigger Container
  • Fixed Motion Clips not added properly in a Locomotion Behavior (hash collision related)
  • Fixed a crash when the root of a Trigger is not contained in the TriggerContainer
  • Fixed a crash when a Character File is invalid in the Simulation Cache Proxy
  • Fixed a crash when the Character Files list of a Render Proxy node is not up to date
  • Fixed a crash when loading shaders with cyclic texture file graph in the Render Previz display mode
  • Fixed a crash when rendering multiple Rendering Types using same Character File
  • Fixed a crash when selecting an item in the Assets Outline of the Character Maker
  • Fixed a crash when minimizing nodes in AutoLayout mode in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • Fixed a crash when removing a particle system
  • Fixed a crash when importing transforms with identical names in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • Fixed a crash when using CTRL+SHIFT+D with no translation in history in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
  • Fixed non-consistent Bone editions between edition and rendering in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
  • Fixed bad orientation when rotating around multiple axis in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
  • Fixed geometry import sometimes linking the same node twice in the Character Maker
  • Fixed Asset Properties and Asset Outliner show/hide status in the Character Maker
  • Fixed Motion Mapping display disappearing in the Character Maker
  • Fixed a memory leak with shader attributes in the Mental Ray Render Plugin
  • Fixed Mental Ray Proxy creation added to the Display Layer
  • Fixed CrowdField Entity information display
  • Fixed Simulation Percent update in the CrowdField
  • Fixed the Trigger list filter of the Trigger Editor
  • Fixed hidden node selection in the Character MakerRender Proxies are now created in a Reference Display Layer called golaemLayer


  • Skeleton and Geometry tabs are vertical in the Character Maker (in Character Mode)
  • Geometry nodes (except Asset Groups) are collapsed by default when opening a gcha file in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • Asset Nodes becomes Asset Outliner and Node Properties becomes Asset Properties in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • Refactored Simulation Cache Layout Tool Interface
  • Tabs of the Trigger Editor are now at the bottom of the Behavior Editor
  • Stopping color of tracked Behaviors is blue in the Behavior Editor
  • Trigger Container & Behavior Editor icons updated
  • CTRL+SHIFT+D replaced with SHIFT+D in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool


  • Flags for the Renderman / 3Delight / Guerilla Render Plugins

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4b31
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0

Golaem (2016/02/18)

Important Notice

Check the following page to see how to update Scenes from Golaem 4.x to 5.0

New Features

  • Simulation Cache Layout tool which allows to edit/layout Simulation Caches
  • Character Palette which allows to edit/override Character Assets
  • Nodal Geometry Tab in the Character Maker
  • Nodal Trigger system in the Behavior Editor
  • Support of Blind Data from the Character Maker to Simulation Export
  • Vector shader attributes


  • Optimization of memory usage in the animation engine (now uses 15% less memory)
  • Optimization of initialisation time in the animation engine
  • SyncMotion Behavior can now synchronize components of animation transforms only
  • SyncMotion Behavior can now synchronize with a Motion behavior
  • Disabled mouse wheel on sliders and spinboxes in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
  • Filter Segment Scale Compensate attribute when a skeleton is loaded in the Character Maker
  • Declare GLMCROWD_NO_LICENSE environment variable to avoid license check on render nodes


  • Kill List is now stored as a layer in the Simulation Cache Layout
  • Shelf and Menus are now named Golaem and Golaem Render (instead of Crowd and Crowd Render)
  • Rendering plugins now log all Golaem components
  • Renderman RIS & REYES shaders have been renamed (CrowdGetUserDataRMS => CrowdGetUserDataFloatRMS and glmCrowdRMS_RIS_GetUserDataShader => glmCrowdRMS_RIS_GetUserDataFloat)
  • Render Proxies are now created in a Reference Display Layer called golaemLayer


  • Support for gscl files in the glm_crowd.h and glm_crowd_io.h API
  • Set of MEL/Python functions to create / edit a Simulation Cache Layout
  • glmCharacterMaker command to create the geometry representation of a Character File
  • glmExportTerrain command to export the terrain geometry to be used by the Simulation Cache Layout
  • glmConnectMayaSkeletonToSimulationCacheProxy supports blind data

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0

Golaem Crowd 4.3.3 (2016/1/15)


  • Support of shading inside of 3ds Max when using VRayGolaem 3ds Max plugin
  • Support for Mental Ray bump mapping
  • Added a PPAttribute to select the object to sync on in the SyncMotion Behavior

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when importing Entities as Maya skeleton in the Simulation Cache Proxy
  • Fixed mirroring of IK planes animation
  • Fixed ragdoll default posture 

Character Pack

  • Removed unnecessary bones on CrowdMan and CrowWoman feet and fingers

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0

Golaem Crowd 4.3.2 (2015/12/18)

New Features

  • New procedural rendering plugin for Guerilla Render
  • Simulation Cache Proxy node Output plugs (mesh drive)


  • Collision Layer for Cloth simulation
  • Allow multiple meshes as terrain source and destination in the UVPin Behavior
  • Connect nodes Tool in the Crowd Swiss Knife Tool
  • Added a parameter to force a new computation of the next footprint in the GroundAdaptation Behavior
  • Add first Rendering Type in an Entity Type Node when loading a Character File for the first time

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bad footprint height computation (could produce some oscillation on the limb)
  • Fixed motion phase alignment was not working in some very specific cases
  • Fixed a crash when rendering scenes with different renderers in the same Maya session
  • Fixed a crash when having multiple blendshape deformers per mesh
  • Fixed Block Operator when Simulation substeps != 1
  • Fixed Body Masks assignment in the Physicalize Behavior
  • Fixed Entity picking when editing position offset in the Simulation Cache Proxy
  • Fixed Custom Behaviors namespace naming import
  • Fixed plug index in the ClothLocator, resulting in some colliders/cloth not simulated


  • glmCrowdSimulationExporter allows to export viewport screenshots


  • Changed default installation directory on linux platforms ('$HOMEDIR' -> '$HOMEDIR/Golaem')

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.20.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0


Golaem Crowd 4.3.1 (2015/12/1)

Important Notice

Notice that rotation axis order in the SetBone behavior has changed between Golaem Crowd 4.3 and 4.3.1
Use MEL function golaemCrowd43To431() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 4.3 to 4.3.1

New Features

  • New Physics Channels
  • New Ground information Channels


  • SetBone Behavior allows to set the orientation of the Root Bone
  • SetBone Behavior allows to set the position of the Root Bone
  • Expressions in the SetBone Behavior can now be enabled/disabled
  • UVPin & SetBone Behaviors can now be evaluated before or after Physics behaviors

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed footprint recomputation in the simulation
  • Fixed a crash when replacing particle systems with the Population Tool if a set Entity Type is no longer in the scene
  • Fixed a crash when exporting CrowdField with namespaces
  • Fixed a crash when parsing the default material in VRay Distributed Rendering
  • Fixed a crash when fetching texture in a cyclic shading graph (cgfx shader) in Render Previz
  • Fixed a crash when the "Same nucleus solver than clothes" option in the Cloth Locator
  • Fixed a crash when rendering with Mental Ray
  • Fixed a crash when mapping/unmapping effectors in the Character Maker
  • Fixed the sphere Population Tool orientation noise
  • Fixed Arnold .ass exporter
  • Fixed Flock Behavior random number generation
  • Fixed Render Checker Tool when checking Character Files with empty shader attributes
  • Fixed squash'n'stretch support of the pelvis in the Motion & Locomotion Behaviors
  • Fixed rotation axis in the SetBone Behavior


  • More verbose error messages when loading the Geometry File in Render Previz or render


  • In glm_crowd_io.h, log messages from the fbx classes are supported

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.20.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0

Golaem Crowd 4.3 (2015/11/12)

Important Notice

Notice that mesh assignment in the AdaptPosition behavior has changed between Golaem Crowd 4.2.2 and 4.3
Use MEL function golaemCrowd422To43() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 4.2.2 to 4.3

New Features

  • New Golaem Layout license for users needing only the Cache Proxy node and/or batch export crowd simulations
  • AdaptPosition Behavior can now scatter Entities on several meshes
  • Physicalize Behavior can now set a Collision ID on the Entity rigid bodies


  • thisBehavior' keyword in the Expression trigger
  • All render proxies include an Object ID attribute to specify what to output in the Object ID pass (mesh, entity, shader, crowd field or all)
  • Check Render Settings Tool now works for lighting scene (without simulation nodes)
  • Linear and Angular Damping can be set per bone in the Character Maker (instead of globally in the Physics Locator)
  • Load / Save Node Attributes tool in the Crowd Swiss Knife Tool
  • Skeleton Pelvis Height Ratio is now computed automatically in the CrowdEntityType node
  • New 'Character and Ground Relative' mode in the AdaptPosition Behavior
  • Start / Stop Duration attributes in the AdaptOrientation Behavior
  • Stop Duration in the Flock Behavior

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed fetching of PPAttributes in Motion and Goto Behaviors (when using several particle systems)
  • Fixed orientation computation in the AdaptOrientation Behavior
  • Fixed NavMesh creation of huge environments
  • Fixed glmCrowd.mll unload
  • Fixed Rendering Type Id assignment
  • Fixed SetFormation Behavior
  • Fixed manipulator and rendering glitch with VP2.0 in the Paint Tool
  • Fixed a crash when dirmapping Character Files without Geometry Groups
  • Fixed a crash when rendering an empty scene with Mental Ray, Renderman, Arnold & V-Ray
  • Fixed a crash when rendering with V-Ray and using frustum culling
  • Fixed a crash when rendering empty meshes with V-Ray
  • Fixed a crash in the UVPin Behavior (multithread issue)
  • Fixed a crash when exiting Maya after having opened the Simulation Window
  • Fixed a crash when the Speed Ratio of a Motion Behavior is set to 0
  • Fixed a crash when using Collision Triggers and several CrowdFields
  • Fixed a crash when rendering mesh names longer than 256 characters
  • Fixed non consistent shader assignment with V-Ray
  • Fixed File Browser Window Save Button
  • Fixed animation loops in the SyncMotion Behavior
  • Fixed wrong orientation display in the SyncMotion Behavior
  • Fixed starting duration interpolation in the UVPin Behavior
  • Fixed cloth simulation when using 'same nucleus solver than clothes' option in the Cloth Locator
  • Fixed warning messages on restart in the Cloth Behavior
  • Fixed the IK Planes button loop in the Character Maker
  • Fixed flocking behavior on non-flocking Entities if a Flock Locator was in the scene
  • Fixed start and stop nodes selection
  • Fixed a potential crash at simulation start when using navigation behaviors


  • Removed TBB dependency
  • Refactoring of most custom Attribute Editor controllers
  • Master-Slave behavior now requires that Master and Slave entities belong to the same particle system (temp)
  • Default values of Physics Collision Triggers have been changed


  • glmCheckLicense has now -full or -layout flags
  • In glm_crowd_io.h, glmBeginGeometryGeneration can now be called multiple times on different contexts without calling glmEndGeometryGeneration
  • In glm_crowd_io.h, added a parameter to glmCreateEntityGeometry to create only mesh/shaders names, geometry or both
  • In glm_crowd_io.h, added support of object id generation (for ObjectID render passes)

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.20.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.0
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0

Golaem Crowd 4.2.2 (2015/10/19)

New Features

  • Master / Slave Behavior to constraint Entities from one Entity Type to other Entities (e.g. spear entity to soldier entity)
  • UVPin Behavior to remap simulations on a specific UV Space
  • Support of Maya File Path Editor to relocate files
  • New direction channels (boneDirection, paintedDirection)
  • Master Entity Channel
  • Rigid bodies can now be exported in a PhysX environment file (.xml) from the Physics Locator


  • Automatic computation of a Character Physics Properties now excludes the effectors from the physics by default in the Character Maker
  • Automatic computation of a Character Physics Properties also computes angular limits based on IK Planes in the Character Maker
  • New Reset Angular Limits button in the Character Maker
  • Visual Feedback on nodes when the hierarchy is different between the Golaem Motion Mapping and the source Character in the Character Maker
  • Force direction and magnitude can now be controlled with dynamic PPAttributes in the Force Behavior
  • Added a velocity threshold attribute to stop the Entity in the Locomotion Behavior
  • Added Separation, Alignment and Cohesion Weights in the Flock Behavior
  • Added a maximum up angle attribute in the Flock Behavior
  • Added a warning message when the number of rigid bodies exceed 65535 (which triggers a crash if all of them collide with the AABB of the same object)
  • Crowd Rigid bodies are renamed accordingly to their associated mesh transform

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when batch exporting a simulation having Painted Zone / Vector Fields
  • Fixed a crash when loading two skeleton consecutively in the Character Maker
  • Fixed a crash when unmapping Maya geometry from the Terrain Locator
  • Fixed a crash when Expression Trigger was active and empty
  • Fixed a crash when restarting a simulation while having nodes like Nucleus in the scene
  • Fixed wrong computation of collisions when using default values in Physics Collision Triggers
  • Fixed camera update when playblasting crowd simulations with VP2.0
  • Fixed 3Delight Render Proxy creation with Maya 2016
  • Fixed update when using multiple splines with a painted surface
  • Fixed a warning message when a bone was mapped to both the last extension and first auxiliary of the next bone
  • Fixed creation of a Crowd Rigid Body without a selected transform object
  • Fixed computation of a Crowd Rigid Body when added to a hierarchy of transforms
  • Fixed display of Crowd Rigid Body when in Convex Hull and Triangle Mesh mode


  • Helper icon next to PPAttribute, Bone, Limb, Effector, Blend Shape Names Attribute
  • Default values of Physics Collision Triggers have been changed

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.20.XX
  • Renderman Studio 20.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)

Also supported (but must be manually installed):

  • Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 2.4
  • Renderman Studio 19.0
