Release Notes
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Golaem Crowd (2014/06/25)
- Noise Frequency in the SetBone behavior
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Locomotion Behavior not turning at all when Motion Clips with no null linear velocities are in the database
Supported Rendering Engines
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
- Mtoa 1.0.X
- 3Delight 11.0.57
- Renderman Studio 18.0
Golaem Crowd 3.3 (2014/06/11)
Important Notice
Some node attributes have changed between Golaem Crowd 3.2.2 and 3.3. Use MEL function golaemCrowd322To33() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 3.2.2 and 3.3
New Features
- Maya Blend Shapes are now completely supported from Assets Management to render
- Import Shaders tool (automatically executed when using the Render Proxy tool)
- Swiss Army Knife Tool to automatize common tasks in Golaem Crowd
- Crowd Scene Checker tool
- Visual Feedback information are displayed in a dedicated dockable HUD
- Visual Feedback displays the selected Entity posture in a dedicated viewport
- Terrain Locator now defines a default infinite and planar NavMesh (see the important notice above to update your scenes accordingly)
- Added a "none" Ground Mode in the Terrain Locator
- PopulationTool locator now allows to automatically link its created particle systems to a CrowdField
- PaintTool supports teared off panels
- Progressive brush pressure and stroke direction smoothing in the PaintTool
- Outer Flow parameter in the VectorField locator
- New attribute in the CrowdField to export the pelvis velocity in a PPAttribute
- Use Shift + Click on [+] to expand / collapse items in the Assets Manager & Character Maker tree views
- Tree views of the Assets Manager are now consistent
- Improved quadrupeds ground adaptation
- Improved quadrupeds orientation adaptation (independant from behavior order)
- New Rotation Pivot Mode and Rotation Pivot Offset in the AdaptOrientation behavior
- PolygonZone trigger can now take groups containing several meshes
- Distance trigger can now take groups containing several dag nodes
- Added an integer attribute mode in the EntityType Attribute node
- Added a slots assignment mode in the Advanced Parameters of the SetFormation behavior
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash in the PPAttribute trigger and an empty attribute name
- Fixed crash when misconfiguring attributes in the GoTo behavior
- Fixed crash in the Alteranative & Random operators when a connection is leading to a "no behavior"
- Fixed crash when the terrain geometry is hidden
- Fixed crash when rendering with Arnold and messages where logged
- Fixed crash when the bone name attribute was not correct in the SetBone behavior
- Fixed crash when computing the automatic mapping of a skeleton with no limbs
- Fixed crash when the Motion Velocity is at 0 in the Motion behavior
- Fixed units (seconds) for the Min / Max Update Period attributes in the Locomotion behavior
- Fixed painted EntityTypes slots consistency in the PopulationTool Locator
- Fixed weights when duplicating a Rendering Type in the Assets Manager
- Fixed rotate axis in the SetBone behavior (see the important notice above to update your scenes accordingly)
- Fixed random target picking when looping on a GoTo behavior
- Fixed footprint display in the Motion & Locomotion behaviors
- Fixed discontinuities in postures when using the Loop operator
- Fixed incorrect bounding box position when root joint is in a transform hierarchy in the Assets Manager
- Fixed Randomize Start Offset interface in the Motion & Locomotion behaviors
- Fixed glmComputeMeshNamesCmd error message with lifespan-0ed particles
- Fixed display for Force & Steer behaviors when the Crowd Unit change
- Fixed disabling Physics Properties on bone chains in the Character Maker
- Fixed Cylinders display mode scale
- Fixed EntityType sliders in the GroupEntityType node template
- Fixed SetFormation visual feedback
- Better support for scaled meshes in the PaintTool
- Error message from Triggers are more verbose and indicate the name of the problematic Trigger node
- Verbose message when the exported geometry FBX file does not have all the meshes listed in the Assets Manager
- Remove the gravity parameter from the PhysicsLocator and the Force behavior (now only in the Physicalize behavior)
- Remove the Override Translation parameter from the AdaptOrientation behavior (not used anymore)
- A FlockLocator is created automatically when a Flock / Steer behavior is created
- A PhysicsLocator is created automatically when a Physicalize / Force / Detach behavior is created
- Physics shapes are no longer shown when loading a gmo file in the CharacterMaker
- A warning message is displayed when the radius changes too much in a PopulationTool locator (meaning that the Crowd Unit may not be appropriate)
- Remove default distance between slots when using different Crowd Units in the PopulationTool locator
- SurfaceShape transform node is now locked
- New paint panel in the PopulationTool Locator template
- Small refactoring of the behaviors Visual Feedback templates
- Small refactoring of the CrowdManager node template
- Small refactoring of the Locomotion behavior template
- Small refactoring of the AdaptOrientation behavior template
- Small refactoring of the PaintTool template
- Small refactoring of the MotionClip template
Supported Rendering Engines
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
- Mtoa 1.0.X
- 3Delight Studio Pro 10.0.50
- Renderman Studio 4.0
Golaem Crowd (2014/05/19)
Bug Fixes
Fixed Asset Manager Rendering Type duplicate not keeping weights
Golaem Crowd (2014/05/16)
Bug Fixes
Fixed Character Maker not disabling Physics Properties on bone chains
Golaem Crowd 3.2.2 (2014/05/04)
New Features
Paint Tool can load / save 32bits png file
Simulation Tool can now only export the caa file
PPAttribute Trigger can take component into account (myAttrPP.x / y / z / r / g / b)
Physics shapes are built automatically when creating the skeleton mapping in the CharacterMaker
Better support of occluded geometry in the PaintTool
Brush opacity influences VectorField painting in the PaintTool
Major performance improvement with huge maps in the PaintTool
Rotate stroke in the PaintTool
Bone count limit upped to 512 in the Render Previz
PaintTool contextural icons improved
Better support for CTRL/ALT/SHIFT keys in PaintTool
Heading direction can be edited in the MotionClip node
Use limb name instead of limb id in the glmExportMotion
In CrowdField, export the pelvis velocity in a per particule vector attribute
In Locomotion and Motion Behaviors, modify the color of footprints (visual feedback)
Bug Fixes
Fixed crash when changing a motion file path manually in the MotionClip
Fixed crash when using PPAttribute in the AdaptOrientation behavior
Fixed inconsistent ids in ComputeMeshNamesCmd
Fixed heading direction computation in the CharacterMaker
Fixed the edition of delta way of an animation in the CharacterMaker
Fixed Distance Trigger when particle system is the Entity particle system
Fixed Distance Trigger when particle system have lifespan0ed particles
Fixed broken slots display on some hardware configurations in the PopulationTool
Fixed running behaviors display in the Visual Feedback
Fixed locator bounding box computation in the PaintTool
Fixed the display bounding box in the SurfaceShape
Fixed bounding boxes check in the Render Checker
Default physics shape is now Capsule in the CharacterMaker
Unplugged undo/redo in the EntityType mode of the PaintTool
Complete refactoring of the Render Checker
Supported Rendering Engines
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Mtoa 1.0.x
3Delight Studio Pro 10.0.50
Renderman Studio 4.0
Golaem Crowd 3.2.1 (2014/04/16)
New Features
SetBone behavior which let you noise, replace, control bones orientation during a simulation
Entity Types can be painted on top of an existing Population Tool
Visual debug information are now displayed in a dedicated HUD, including behaviors specific information
Physics collision trigger to start a behavior when two entities collides
Paint map size, vector field color, vector field arrow size can be customized
Paint brush resize ratio is now view dependent
Paint cursor improved now indicate mode with letters: (P) Paint, (R) Radius, (E) Erase
Optimized Distance Trigger if particle system is entity's particle system
Added Render Stats on the V-Ray proxy
Improved frame init performances on the V-Ray procedural rendering plugin
Bug Fixes
Fixed characters stopping in the middle of vector fields
Fixed a crash in the Character Maker when autocomputing a skeleton mapping
Fixed display refresh when loading a .gmm file in the Character Maker
Fixed motion replay that was not correctly taking the pelvis orientation into account
Fixed behaviors grouping in the Behavior Editor
Fixed "Save as Template" in the Behavior Editor
Fixed a bug when using the Attribute Editor to configure an Alternative Op
Fixed the glmExportMotion command which could not save gmm files as xml
Fixed saving/loading of the play pelvis/spine parts of the gmm files in the glmExportMotion command
A Visual Feedback Attributes panel is now available in every Behavior
Added context icons to swith to paint tool mode
Made StartPercent attributes in Motion and Locomotion behaviors more coherent
Improved error message relative to Motion Clips
Fixed Population Tool Locator Component Mode buttons layout
Added Golaem Crowd version number to dump file names
Supported Rendering Engines
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Mtoa 1.0.x
3Delight Studio Pro 10.0.50
Renderman Studio 4.0
Golaem Crowd 3.2 (2014/04/03)
Important Notice
Due to the addition of motion weights, motion priorities in Motion behaviors must be set again
New Features
Golaem Crowd can now generate a 30d evaluation license if no license is found on the system (it still needs no license for rendering)
Erase Paint Tool to remove painted information
Slots of a Population Tool Locator generated from the Component Mode can now be updated
Weights can be used to control blend weight on concurrent Motion Behaviors with same priority
New command glmComputeMeshNames to get the mesh names of an exported entity
Render Previz now supports Dual Quaternion and Weighted blend skinning
Distance trigger takes particles of a particle system into account
Start frame between nodes (CrowdManager, CrowdField, particle systems) are now linked
Use limb name instead of limb id in the glmExportMotionCmd
GroundAdaptation behavior now adapts the entity even when no motion is applied
Bug Fixes
Fixed Vector field mode when the Crowd Unit is set to decimeters
Fixed a crash when loading pyMel with Maya 2012
Fixed a crash when painting slots in a manually created PopulationTool locator
Fixed multi-shader order in the Assets Manager to match FBX order
Fixed a crash when computing perceived objects in obstacle heavy environments in the Navigation behavior
Fixed a crash when the Character File is invalid and Visual Debug is activated
Fixed a crash when removing the mirror mapping on a limb with effectors in the Character Maker
Fixed a lag between the BehaviorEditor Visual Debug and the Viewport Visual Debug
Fixed the mirror animation display on the Character Maker Locator
Fixed entity navigation when entity is not generated on the terrain
Fixed undo/redo in the Crowd Paint Tool
Footprints are now displayed without orientation in the CharaMaker Locator
Supported Rendering Engines
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Mtoa 1.0.x
3Delight Studio Pro 10.0.50
Renderman Studio 4.0
Golaem Crowd 3.1.2 (2014/03/17)
Important Notice
Due to the introduction of detachable bones & props, Simulation Cache files created with the previous version of Golaem Crowd should be re-exported.
New Features
Crowd Paint Tool to paint everything in Golaem Crowd! Population Tool slots, PPAttributes, Vector Fields, Triggers and much more
Detach behavior to interactively detach bones or props from the Entity
Substep parameter in the Crowd Manager node to set the number of times the simulation is updated per frame
Simulation cache now stores world positions of each bone (in addition to world orientations)
Delay operator to add delays in the behavior graph
Simulation Cache can now be exported dynamically for the current frame when a Render is launched
New Simulation Cache Editor node to import, edit, export a simulation cache in Maya
Introduction of the DevKit (installed in GolaemCrowdDir/devkit)
Physics properties are now edited in a table view in the CharacterMaker
Added conversion preview that allow to test Ik planes and Ik cache in the CharacterMaker
Added parameters to randomize the start percent of a Locomotion behavior
Improved consistency between the Behavior Editor selection and the Maya selection
AdaptOrientation behavior now takes ground normal to compute the character attitude
AdaptOrientation behavior now takes bones projection to compute the character attitude
Added an IK cache to improve performance in simulation (can be disabled by using the useConversionIkCache parameter on the Entity Type)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash when saving a cam/caa file in a read only directory
Fixed a crash when saving an empty cam file
Fixed a crash when dealing with the sliders of the Assets Manager
Fixed a Linux crash when loading a scene with a terrain and a connected Population Tool
Fixed a crash in Render Previz mode caused by empty entity list
Fixed a crash with nParticle linked to a CrowdField
Fixed a crash in the Population Tool context
Fixed RenderingTypeId PP in the EntityType node
Fixed Arnold .ass file export
Fixed a crash when adding a new Spine in the CharacterMaker
Fixed broken drag and drop bone mapping in the CharacterMaker
Fixed error messages when no Assets Manager file or no assigned Rendering Type are assigned in the Entity Surface Shape
Removed GetUserDataVray shaders (use VRay User Scalar shader instead)
Removed trueTrigger and falseTrigger nodes (no more useful)
Settings are now saved when loading a .cam file in the AssetsManager
Cleaned the Extra Attributes panel of the plugin nodes
Moved Windows default installation directory to "C:\Golaem"
New sample to read and display the Simulation Cache
Supported Rendering Engines
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Mtoa 1.0.X
3Delight Studio Pro 10.0.50
Renderman Studio 4.0
Golaem Crowd (2014/02/19)
- AdaptOrientation Behavior can now take the ground normal to compute the character attitude