Release Notes
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Golaem Crowd 4.0.4 (2015/04/29)
- Ask for save when closing a Skeleton Tab in the Character Maker
- Added controls to edit IK Normal Planes in the Character Maker viewport
- Simplify the Skeleton Mapping Checker to easily and automatically check skeleton mapping in the Character Maker
- Improved Auto Compute Skeleton Mapping process for biped skeleton
- Added configuration dialog to fine tune the Auto Compute Skeleton Mapping process
- Added Navigation Perception parameters in the Visual Feedback
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Simulation Cache Proxy losing its Character Files list
Fixed Render Proxy losing its Character Files list when using a Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed RenderMan 19 plugin loading with Linux and Renderman Pro Server
Fixed Navigation Behavior perception algorithm
Fixed the scale of Entity's personal space radius in the Navigation Behavior
Fixed a crash in the Cache Proxy when computing assets for Entities in the Kill List
Fixed a crash when using the External Entity Locator
Fixed ignored Cloth constraint because the associated rigid was not found
Fixed Cloth not working correctly when there is a scale in the bone's hierarchy
Fixed multi-Population Tool Locator replace particle system
Fixed Simulation Tool Rib export (bad syntax)
Fixed User Scripts loading at Batch Render Time
- Added the name of the edited node in the IK Normal Planes Window
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Renderman Studio 19.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 18.0
Golaem Crowd 4.0.3 (2015/04/15)
Important Notice
- Check the following page to see how to update your Arnold assets from Golaem Crowd v4.0.2 to v4.0.3
New Features
- RendermanStudio Render Proxy now supports Renderman 19.0 (on top of existing Renderman 18.0 support)
RendermanStudio Render Proxy now supports Subdivision Surfaces
Character Files now contains Shader Groups
Blendshapes values can be set from the SetBone Behavior
Blendshapes values can be read from the Attribute Behavior (new Channel)
- Constraint Behavior can now constraint position / orientation / scale of a constrained Maya object
V-Ray Render Proxy now has a Frame attribute (to offset Simulation Caches)
Alt key to duplicate a Behavior from the Behavior Outliner into the Workspace
"Save As Template" now works on single Behaviors
Alternative Operator displays an id for each condition in the Behavior Editor
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash at the CrowdField Start Frame when the simulation was not completely rewinded
Fixed a crash when resetting shaders on an Empty Mesh Asset in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when editing the Physics Shapes in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when deleting the Character Maker Locator node
Fixed a crash when using a not valid mel expression in the SetBone Behavior
Fixed Physics Properties reordering in the Character Maker
Fixed multi-Population Tool Locator emit
Fixed bad picking when using Impostors Display Mode
Fixed the edition of a motion delta orientation when exporting a Motion file in the Character Maker
Fixed the Character FBX Export (non-skinned bones were not exported in the .fbx file)
Fixed Batch Render when motion blur was enabled
Fixed Arnold Batch Render when a CrowdField was in the scene
Fixed Renderman Batch Render callback
Fixed "Save As Template" feature when Target Locators were connected to a Behavior
Fixed "Add New Entity Type Attribute" feature in the Behavior Editor
- Combo box instead of tabs for Character / Motion / Motion Mapping in the Character Maker
- "Relocate FBX" context menu on Geometry Asset in the Character Maker
- Arnold Render Proxy now uses Shader Groups to shade the Crowd Characters
- Alembic Export now exports Shader Groups as a User Attribute
- Creating a Cache Replay Proxy switches to Cache Replay Proxy Mode
New flags in glmExportMotionMapping in order to create and export automatically the .gmm file
glmSortParticleIds to sort particleIds of a particle system along x or z axis
Samples & Character Pack
- Added a medieval soldier asset
- Added a physics sample (collision with moving object, explosion, aspiration)
- Added a synchronized combat action sample
- Added sample scenes in the Character Pack
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Renderman Studio 19.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 18.0
Golaem Crowd 4.0.2 (2015/03/23)
Important Notice
Check the following page to see how to update Assets & Scenes from Golaem Crowd v3.5.x to v4.0
New Features
Cloth simulation (relying on Maya's nCloth, working with rigid and transform constraints)
Squash & Stretch animation
Splines to control Vector Fields, Paint Zones, Population Tools
Several Terrain Locators can be used within a same simulation (set per CrowdField)
Several Physics Locators can be used within a same simulation (set per CrowdField)
Several Flock Locators can be used within a same simulation (set per CrowdField)
Character Shapes for Physics Simulation can now be placed, rotated, scaled and colored with Maya primitives
- Render Previz Display Mode supports Blendshapes animation
- Render Previz Display Mode supports Cloth simulation (using FBX normals)
- Simulation Cache Proxy supports Blendshapes animation
- Simulation Cache Proxy supports Cloth simulation (using FBX normals)
- Dynamic Triggers nodes (several Triggers can be added within a same node)
- VRay Render Proxy now support new VRay 3.0 Subdivision parameters
- Log Level in Render Proxies (VRay, Arnold & MRay)
- All node attributes are available in the Channel Box
- Mirror Motion Clip icon in Motion, SyncMotion & Locomotion Behavior
- Enable Motion Clip icon in Motion, SyncMotion & Locomotion Behavior
- Preview specific Motion Clip in the SyncMotion Behavior
- Saving Simulation Cache and importing skeleton can be cancelled (ESC) in the Simulation Cache Proxy
- Population Tool slots orientation can be controlled with Vector Fields
- About Window which checks license status, new version & can access to the Release Notes
- Improved Crowd Proxy Tool (check renderer version)
Bug Fixes
Fixed Undo/Redo inside the BehaviorEditor when deleting a Behavior/Trigger/MotionClip
Fixed Alembic export (now using Ogawa instead of HDF5)
Merged Entity Type and Entity Surface Shape nodes
Merged Character Maker and Assets Manager tools
Load / Save As / Save buttons in the Character Maker
Replaced LCG Random Number Generator with Mersenne Twister
No more Framerate attribute in the Rendering Plugins
VisualFeedback attributes are now split between the CrowdManager & the Behavior Nodes
CrowdManager Feedback attributes can be controlled from the VisualFeedback panel
Behavior Feedback attributes can be controlled from the VisualFeedback panel
Tooltips upon motions for the Locomotion Model in the VisualFeedback
Improved visualization performance
Entity radius is now emitted in radiusPP PPAttribute
Removed Parent Behavior from Behavior AETemplates
Removed RendermanCompliantPlugin Rendering Plugin
Removed Interpolated Mode in Ground Adapt Behavior
Removed Randomize Start Percent checkbox from Motion, Locomotion & Sync Behaviors (use the Start Percent Attributes instead)
Refactoring of the Crowd Menu
New Simulation Cache file format (Golaem Simulation Cache .gsc) (Partio is still available)
Simulation Cache API (glm_crowd.h) to read Golaem Simulation Cache files
glmSimulationCache command-line tool to read Golaem Simulation Cache files
glmEntityType is now exported automatically in the Simulation Cache
Entity Height and radius are now exported in the Simulation Cache
Simulation Cache are now numbered with the frame number (instead of a pdc number)
glmCrowdSimulationExporter syntax has changed (flag names)
glmSpatialRequestCmd syntax has changed (crowdField flag)
MEL glmHandlePopToolConnections function to handle connections during the Population Tool creation
New command glmCheckLicense to check the license status of the plugin
Deleted command glmCrowdAssetsManager
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Golaem Crowd 3.5.5 (2015/05/26)
- Light Linking support in the V-Ray proxy
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash in Cache proxy when computing assets for entities in the Kill List
- Fixed display when not all crowdFields are viewed in the Simulation Cache Proxy
- Fixed Linux silent install not properly using Maya default install location
- Fixed RPATH not properly set on rendering plugins
- New flags in glmExportMotionMapping in order to create and export automatically the .gmm file
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Golaem Crowd 3.5.4 (2015/04/17)
Bug Fixes
Fixed rotation computation when using RotateAxis
Fixed "Save As Template" feature when Target Locators were connected to a Behavior
Fixed Alembic export when several meshes have the same names
- New flags in glmExportMotionMapping in order to create and export automatically the .gmm file
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Golaem Crowd 3.5.3 (2015/03/05)
Important Notice
- On Windows, licenses registered in registry with the Golaem License Tool are not working anymore ("golaem_LICENSE" environment variable must be set instead). See License Setup Documentation
New Features
- Painted Color Channel
- Dynamic Speed Ratio in Motion and SyncMotion behaviors
- Add Blend Shapes values in the VisualFeedback
- Added Attitude and Bank orientations in the MotionClip
- Motion synchronisation can be made on either the root or the pelvis position in the SyncMotion Behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed licenses not being found for linux systems where openssl is upgraded to openssl-1.0.1e-30.el6_6.5.x86_64
Fixed batch render if there is either a Locomotion, Motion or SyncMotion Behavior in the scene
Fixed crash when creating a Simulation Cache Proxy in an empty scene
Fixed flag name in the glmMotionExport command
Fixed warnings when opening a scene containing a SyncMotion Behavior
Fixed Distance Trigger with empty emitter when simulation starts
Fixed ground sampling filter preventing self intersection of physics raycasts
Fixed empty Behavior panel in the Behavior Editor
Fixed wrong footprints computation when the motion file (.gmo) fps differs from Maya fps
Fix crash when refreshing EntityTypeSurface assets for particles with a life-span at 0
- Improved footprint prediction
- Improved picking (based on bones) in the Simulation Cache Proxy
- Skeleton files are no more copied in the Simulation Cache directory when exporting a simulation
- Crowd Shelf is cleaned at each plugin load
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Golaem Crowd 3.5.2 (2015/01/30)
New Features
- Simulation Cache Proxy node to interactively playback cached simulations (timeline scrubbing) (replace the Simulation Cache Editor)
Simulation Cache Toggle Icon in the Crowd Shelf to switch display between Simulation and Cache Playblack in the viewport
New Channel System to query animation, navigation and behaviors attributes (such as bone position, footprint, target...)
Terrain Locator can add Physicalized Entities to the Ground Adaptation of Entities (aka walk on dead bodies)
Sticky Note utility in the Behavior Editor to add notes and annotations in Behavior Graphs
Anchor Operator in the Behavior Editor to organize Graphs design
- Entity ground adaptation works with animations having different ground heights (stairs climbing...)
- Refactoring of the Attribute Behavior: supports now many expressions, MEL commands and can query Channel values
- Behaviors / Containers can safely be duplicated in the Behavior Editor now (CTRL+D)
- Pre-Emit & Post-Emit MEL/Python Callbacks in the Population Tool Locator
- SyncMotion Behavior now works with animated objects
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Render Previz of multiple Rendering Types with different FBX files
- Fixed Render Previz of Geometry Animations when using a Simulation Scale
- Fixed evaluation of MotionLocator with viewport 2.0
- Fixed evaluation of FlockLocator with viewport 2.0
- Fixed issue when sequencing two Locomotion Behaviors
- Fixed Attribute Editor for Motion & Locomotion Behaviors with Start Percent Attribute
- Fixed navMesh file loading when opening a new scene in the TerrainLocator
Motion Clip nodes now have on unique IDs
Check in Check Scene Settings Tool if the 'Locators' Show option is set
Removed CrowdTrigger icon from Crowd Shelf
glmDuplicateBehaviors command to duplicate Behaviors / Containers
glmGetChannelValue command to query Channel values
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
- V-Ray For Maya 3.0
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
- Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Golaem Crowd 3.5.1 (2015/01/09)
Important Notice
Due to the refactoring of render proxies, render proxies created with previous version of Golaem Crowd should be deleted and re-created.
New Features
- VRay proxy now supports VRay 3.0
- Camera frustum based rendering now works with Mental Ray and V-Ray as well
- PaintTool now supports UDIM meshes
- SyncMotion Behavior now also works with curves
Camera frustum parameters can now be displayed in the Maya viewport
CrowdField with different start frames can now be exported and rendered separately
Simulation Caches, FBX & Alembic files of different CrowdField can be exported in different directories
Alembic export also exports Shader User Attributes (and Surface Shader names)
New ground adaptation mode (orient the pelvis orientation of the character on the surface before adapting the legs) in the AdaptGround behavior
Removed some limitations on the roll bone edition (the list of bones to apply roll on is now the full bone chain) in the Character Maker
Visual Feedback window allows to set the selected Entity (from its id)
Locomotion database in not influenced anymore by the Entity size
Bug Fixes
Fixed roll bone definition in the Character Maker
Fixed Alembic export naming when exporting several frames
Fixed a crash with Alembic export when exporting a mesh with no UVs
Fixed a crash when batch exporting simulation and renderer scene files at the same time
Fixed a crash when opening the visualFeedback in an empty scene
Fixed a crash in undo/redo the PaintTool
Fixed display refresh of the SyncMotion Behavior
Fixed default motion blur value of the Renderman Studio Proxy
Fixed the saved position of the VisualFeedback and the MotionClipPreview when docked
Fixed EntityTypeAttributes not handled correctly with groups
- Frustrum based parameters have been renamed with Frustum
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
- V-Ray For Maya 3.0
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
- Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Golaem Crowd 3.5 (2014/12/08)
Important Notice
Notice that glmEntityId computation has changed between Golaem Crowd 3.4.2 and 3.5.
It impacts Triggers relying on EntityIds and already existing Kill list values.
Use MEL function golaemCrowd342To35() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 3.4.2 to 3.5.
New Features
- Support of Alembic export (Maya 2015 only)
- New SyncMotion behavior to handle fine interaction with other characters / environment
- New option to do Camera frustum based rendering (only works with Arnold for now)
- Added a Slot Editor in the Population Tool locator
- Added a FadeIn / Fade Out parameter to behaviors
CrowdFields can now be exported separately, even if the other CrowdFields are disabled
New Maya Scene Checker shelf icon
New Visual Feedback shelf icon
Delay Operator becomes Block Operator (has now a Trigger)
Physicalize and Force Behaviors allow to differentiate spines in a Character (allowing detaching a rider from a horse for example)
Added tooltip for the bone quality conversion in the CharacterMaker
Added the number of Entities attribute in the CrowdField
Selected CrowdFields display a bounding box of its connected Entities
Check Render Settings now check for the renderer version
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash in Render Previz display mode with Viewport 2.0
Fixed a crash when trying to load missing Fbx vertex caches
Fixed a leak of file descriptors with Fbx vertex caches
Fixed a crash when undoing the creation of a particle system from the PopulationTool locator
Fixed a crash when reopening a scene with a CrowdTargetLocator
Fixed Rendering Type assignment panel in the EntityType node
Fixed camera clipping planes computation when displaying Entities
Fixed bad GeometryId assignment when using Geometry Behavior and the Render Previz display mode
Fixed the Limb mapping tooltip display in the CharacterMaker
Fixed the Forward Kinematic Animation Compatibility giving sometimes a wrong result
Fixed conflict between the AdaptOrientation and the Force behavior
Fixed velocity computation in the AdaptPosition behavior
Fixed .ass, .mi, .rib export when exporting several CrowdField nodes
Fixed Mental Ray Render Stats
Fixed refresh button in the EntityTypeSurface node
Fixed a crash when loading Arnold during a simulation
Fixed roll bones parameters edition in CharacterMaker (leading to wrong computation)
Fixed offset between previz and rendering in GeometryBehavior when using 1-bone .gskm
New glmEntityId computation process (depending on the crowdFieldId): newEntityId = (entityId+1)*1000+crowdFieldId
Filter kill list Entities if their particle lifespan in set to 0
Autocreate 3Delight default render pass if required
Autocreate VraySettings node if required
Merged Maya Settings Checker & Crowd Settings Checker
Added warning messages when cropping frames of a MotionClip are not valid
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
GOLAEM CROWD (2014/11/14)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing to save a .cam file under Linux
Supported Rendering Engines
- Mtoa 1.1.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
- Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
- Renderman Studio 18.0